The Feast Day of the Most Holy Rosary is celebrated on October 7. Originally, it was known as the Feast day of Our Lady of Victory in memory of the naval victory which took place called the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th century. The Christian forces repelled a massive Turkish invasion after Pope St. Pius V urged Europe’s Christians to pray the Rosary. In 1573, St. Pius V established the feast day. It was extended to the universal church in 1716 by Pope Clement XI.
Devotion to the Rosary was begun by St. Dominic. The devotion combines meditation on the life of Christ, with memorized prayer. Tradition tells us that when Dominic became discouraged with the slow progress of his work of preaching against the Abligensian heresy, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him with a beautiful wreath of roses. She asked him to say the Rosary every day and to teach the people to say the Rosary. Soon the heresy began to disappear. The devotion of the rosary continues today.
The feast day of the Most Holy Rosary is a day we can take time to thank the Blessed Virgin Mary for all the times she has prayed and interceded for us. Our faith teaches us that Mary is our spiritual mother. Praying the rosary is actually a meditation on the life of Jesus. It consists of four sets of mysteries: The Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. Each set has five events in the life of Jesus to meditate on.
The Joyful Mysteries: 1. Annunciation 2. Visitation 3. Birth of Jesus 4. Presentation in the Temple 5. Finding the Child Jesus
The Luminous Mysteries: 1. Christ’s Baptism I the Jordan 2. Wedding at Cana 3. Proclamation of the Kingdom 4. Transfiguration 5. Institution of the Eucharist
Sorrowful Mysteries: 1. Agony in the Garden 2. Scourging at the Pillar 3. Crowning with Thorns 4. Carrying of the Cross 5. Crucifixion
Glorious Mysteries: 1. Resurrection 2. Ascension into Heaven 3. Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. Assumption 5. Crowning of Our Blessed Lady
When we pray the rosary we dedicate the prayer for a certain intention such as healing the sick, guiding someone in need or peace in our family. It is a personal prayer based on the life of Jesus. Thank you Mary for listening to us!
Praying the rosary is not difficult. If you would like to learn how to pray the rosary, this article will lead you through it.
Remember, Jesus loved Mary. If we want to imitate Jesus we should honor His Mother.
“It could be said that each mystery of the rosary, carefully meditated,
sheds light on the mystery of man.”
Quote of Pope ;John Paul II; Feast Day October 22
October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary