by Moroder
The feast day of St. Elizabeth of Hungary is celebrated on November 17. Elizabeth was a Princess born in 1207 to King Andrew II of Hungary. St. Elizabeth of Hungary is the patron saint of widows, charities, bakers and young brides.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary was born in 1207 in Hungary. She was the daughter of Alexander II who was the King of Hungary. She was betrothed at the age of four to be married to Louis of Thuringa (a German principality). At the age of 14 she married Louis who was 21.
Elizabeth was very pious from a young age. Louis, also was quite religious. Their marriage was a happy and fruitful union. They had three children. Louis was a brave soldier. While he was away Elizabeth devoted herself to charity. She helped to build a hospital which had 12 beds.
He encouraged her works of charity. After six years of marriage Louis was killed during the crusades while she was pregnant with their third child at the age of 20. Elizabeth’s relatives resented how generous she was with the family’s money. They mistrusted her and eventually threw her out of the palace.
Upon hearing the news of her husband’s death, Elizabeth cried out,
“The world with all its joys is now dead to me.”
After finding care for her children, Elizabeth left the castle and became a Third Order Franciscan, joining them on Good Friday. She devoted herself entirely to helping the sick and poor. A Franciscan hospital was built in which she was able to care for the sick and suffering.
St. Elizabeth died at the age of 24 in 1231. Soon after her death miracles of healing were reported at her grave site
A legend exists that her husband met her unexpectedly as she went secretly on an errand to help the poor. The bread she was carrying was turned into roses. Pictures of St. Elizabeth often show her carrying bread or roses.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary died at the age of 24 in 1231 at Marburg, Germany of natural causes. She was canonized on May 27, 1235 by Pope Gregory IX.
“How could I bear a crown of gold
when the Lord bears a crown of thorns?…
and bears it for me!”
Quote of St. Elizabeth of Hungary
November is the Month of the Holy Souls
St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Art
November is the Month of the Poor Souls