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Quotes and Reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus


June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is celebrated on Friday, 19 days after Pentecost. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is very popular…it touches our hearts in many ways.

When I ponder on the mystery of the Sacred Heart, I see the image and marvel at the wounds of Jesus. He suffered and died for our many sins. The art shows Jesus’ heart on fire for His love of all of us. It shows His heart wounded by the crown of thorns and the lance that pierced His side. I see the rays of light coming forth from His heart, showing that He is the Light of the World! The suffering of the world (the cross) is supported by His heart…His love for us. The wounded heart of Jesus supports each of us if we turn to Him for mercy and love.

God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. (John 3:16)

The following quotes from the saints are inspirational and helpful for meditating on the Mystery of the Sacred Heart.

Love overcomes, Love delights, those who love the Sacred heart rejoice!

St. Bernadette Sorbirous

Do not let the past disturb you, just leave everything in the Sacred Heart and begin again with joy.

St. Teresa of Calcutta

Let the soul who is desirous of advancing in perfection hasten to my Sacred Heart.

St. Gertrude

Consider often that it is only the humble of Heart that can enter into the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and converse with Him, Love Him and be Loved by Him.

St. Margaret Mary

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me an entire forgetfulness of myself, since that is the only way one can find entrance into You.

St. Claude La Columbiere

Behold the Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing.

St. Margaret Mary

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary.

St. Gertrude

No matter what my sufferings may be, I will never complain and if I have to undergo any humiliation, I will seek refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

St. Alphonsas

Oh, how good and pleasing a thing it is to dwell in the Heart of Jeus! Who is there that does not love a heart so wounded? Who can refuse a return of love to a heart so loving?

St. Bernard

Most merciful Heart, pitying heart, loving heart of my Father and Savior, refuse not your help to my needy heart.

St. Margaret Mary

To suffer without complaining, to bring comfort to others and to drown my own sufferings in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

St. Faustina