Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Leo the Great;
Feast Day November 10
The feast day of St. Leo the Great is celebrated on November the 10.
St. Leo was born in Tuscany. He lived during a time of great political chaos for the Church. Barbarian armies were ravaging the once mighty Roman Empire. Leo was an ordained a Deacon. He became the Bishop of Rome in 440. He was Bishop of Rome for 21 years, until his death in 461.
During his papacy, he was known for meeting Attila the Hun in 452 as he was preparing to invade Italy. Amazingly, he persuaded him to turn back, and avoided a war. Leo fought many heresies, including Pelagianism which teaches that grace was not necessary for salvation.
Leo is considered one of the great administrators of the Church. He also gave profound spiritual sermons. He presided over the fourth ecumenical council called the Council of Chalcedon. At this council the two natures of Christ was discussed and clarified. The faith teaches that Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine.
St. Leo the Great also clarified the role of the pope, persuading Emperor Valentinian to recognize the primacy of the Bishop of Rome in 445. His teaching focused on the scripture which had Jesus telling Peter: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. What you forbid on earth shall be forbidden in Heaven. What you allow on earth shall be allowed in heaven.’ (Matthew 16:19)
Leo was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV in the eighteenth century. The title “Great” has been given to only three Popes. The three “Great popes are St. Leo the Great, St. Gregory the Greatand St. Nicholas the Great. St. John Paul II is unofficially considered by some to be “great”. The title “Great” means that the Pope has exercised great leadership and contributed greatly to the theology of the church.
If indeed we are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit lives in our
hearts…we must work with much vigilance to make the chamber of our heart
not unworthy of so great a guest.
Quote of St. Leo the Great
November is the Month of the Holy Souls