The feast day of St. Wenceslas is celebrated on September 28. He is most remembered for the Christmas Carol Good King Wenceslas. He became King of Bohemia at the age of 18.
King Wenceslaus was born to the Duke of Bohemia. His family had been converted by St. Cyril and St. Methodius. His mother however, was a pagan. After her husbands death she persecuted Christians.
The Duchess Ludmilla was the mother in law of Drahomira and grandmother to Wenceslaus. She taught him about religion. He practiced his faith and received the sacraments in secret.
When he became King of Bohemia the persecution ended. He built churches, recalled priests from exile and welcomed Christian missionaries into Bohemia.
St. Wenceslaus had a strong devotion to the Eucharist and helped prepare the altar bread with his own hands. He also made wine from wheat and grapes he grew himself.
A reconciliation was attempted with his family when they gathered at a banquet on the Feast of St. Cosmas and Damien (Sept. 27). The next morning his brother killed him with a lance on the steps of the church. Two years before, his mother had arranged for his grandmother Ludmilla to be strangled to death. The feast day of St. Ludmilla is celebrated on September 16.
The good king died at the age of 22. Miracles were reported at his tomb.
The Christmas Carol sung about Gook King Wenceslaus reminds us to serve others as the good King did. To think less of ourselves and to see Christ in the poor.
“God has not created poverty……it is we who have created it.
Before God, all of us are poor.”
Quote of St. Teresa of Calcutta, Feast Day September 5
September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows