
Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Catherine dei Ricci, Feast Day Feb. 13

St. Catherine dei Ricci 2

The feast day of St. Catherine dei Ricci is celebrated on Feb. 13.  She is the patron saint of the sick.

St. Catherine was born in 1522 in Italy. Her baptismal name was Alexandria, however she took the name Catherine when she joined the Dominican Order. As an infant her mother died and she was raised by her godmother. As a child she was known for her love of praying in solitude. She also talked to her guardian angel and learned to pray the rosary. At the age of six her father placed her in a convent in Florence, Italy, where her aunt was the Abbess.

Alexandria joined the Dominican nuns at Prat in Tuscany when she was 14 taking the name of Catherine. By he age of 25 she was the perpetual prioress. She had a great reputation for sanctity. Although they never met, she corresponded to St. Philip Neri, also known as the Apostle of Joy.

St. Catherine had a great devotion to the Passion of Christ. In 1541 she had a heartbreaking vision of the crucifixion which confined her to bed for three weeks finally recovering on Holy Saturday by a vision of St. Mary Magdalene and the risen Jesus. For 12 years she experienced ecstasy every Thursday from noon until Friday at 4 p.m. During the visions she received the stigmata, the wound in the left side and the crown of thorns. She offered her suffering for the Holy souls in Purgatory.

Many people came to witness her ecstasy, even though she did not like the attention it caused. One of her visions was of receiving a ring from the lord as a sign of her espousal to him.

Three popes were known to have asked her for her prayers; Pope Marcellus II, Pope Leo XI and Pope Clement VIII.

St. Catherine is the patron saint of sick people because she cared for the sick while living in the convent. She died after a long illness at the age of 68 in 1590.

“If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.”

Quote of St. Teresa of Calcutta; Feast day Sept. 5

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord


Quotes from the Saints on Discipleship

Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? A disciple is someone who believes in and follows Jesus. Jesus calls each one of us in a different way. Each of us has a unique gift to offer him.

When we love someone, we want to spend time with them. The same is true if we love Jesus. Spending time with Him by studying scripture and in prayer will help our relationship with Him to grow.

The Saints of the Catholic Church are role models for us on our pilgrimage on earth. Each one of them loved Jesus with all there heart and soul.

The following quotes give us a glimpse of how they loved and followed Jesus. May we also get to know Jesus and seek to do His will always.

St. Teresa of Avila

St. Teresa of Avila

If obedience sends you to the kitchen, remember that the Lord walks among the pots and pans and that He will keep you in inward tasks and in outward ones too.

St. Teresa of Avila

Untilled soil, however fertile it may be, will bear thistles and thorns and so it is with man’s mind.

St. Teresa of Avila

You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him.

St. Teresa of Avila

St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena

Enough of all this soft soap! All it does is cause the members of Christ’s Spouse to stink!

St. Catherine of Siena

Nothing unites us so intimately to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ as does the cross.

St. Catherine of Siena

To sin is human, but to persist in sin is devilish.

St. Catherine of Siena

Charity is the sweet holy bond that binds the soul with the Creator.

St. Catherine of Siena

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi

Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.

St. Francis of Assisi

Put away all worry and anxiety and receive the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ fervently…in memory of Him.

St. Francis of Assisi

St. John Vianney
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You either belong wholly to the world or wholly to God

St. John Vianney

Bl. Titus Brandsma
Public Domain Image

They who want to win the world for Christ must have the courage to come into conflict with it.

Bl. Titus Brandsma

St. Irenaeus of Lyons

God did not tell us to follow Him because He needed our help, but because He knew that loving Him would make us whole.

St. Irenaeus

St. Clare of Assisi

Love Him totally who gave Himself totally for your love.

St. Clare of Assisi

St. Edith Stein
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St. Edith Stein

Learn to live at God’s hands.

St. Edith Stein Feast day Aug. 9

For the Christian there is no such thing as a “stranger”, there is only the neighbor…the person near us and needing us.

St. Edith Stein

If we place our hands into the hands of the divine Child, if we say “Yes” to the “Follow me”, then we are His, and the way is free for His divine life to flow into us.

St. Edith Stein

St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas

O Lord my God, make me submissive without protest, poor without discouragement, chaste without regret, patient without complaint, humble without posturing, cheerful without frivolity, mature without gloom, and quick witted without flippancy.

St. Thomas Aquinas



