The feast day of Bl. Marie of the Incarnation is celebrated on April 18.
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation was born in 1566 in France. Her name at birth was Barbe Aurillot. She was the daughter of a French government official and educated at the Poor Clare Abbey at Longchamp. She married Pierre Acarie at the age of 16. They had six children; three became Carmelites and one became a priest.
Her husband supported the Catholic League which opposed Henry IV. Barbe suffered greatly after their estate was seized when Henry became King. Barbe went to court reclaiming part of the family fortune. Barbe had a devotion to the writings of St. Teresa of Avila. She was instrumental in bringing the Discalced Carmelites into France.
Widowed at 47, Barbe became a Carmelite lay sister in 1613 taking the name Mary of the Incarnation. Her spiritual advisor was St. Francis de Sales and she was a friend to St. Vincent de Paul. She was known to have visions, ecstasies and the gift of reading hearts.
At the age of 27 Bl. Marie received the stigmata.
Bl. Marie died on April 18, 1618 of natural causes. Many miracles were reported after her death.
Put away all worry and anxiety and receive the holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ fervently…in memory of Him.
Quote of St. Francis of Assisi; Feast day Oct. 4
April is the Month of the Eucharist
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation in Art