The feast day of Bl. Raphael Kalnowski is celebrated on Nov. 19.
The name at baptism given to Bl. Raphael Kalnowski was Joseph. He was born to Polish parents in Vilnius in 1835. After military service he studied engineering at St. Petersburg. He helped design the Kursk-Kiev-Odessa railway.
During the Polish insurrection against Russia, he accepted the post of Minister of War. He was arrested on March 24, 1864 and condemned to death. The sentence was changed to ten years hard labor in Siberia.
After his release, he became a tutor for Prince Augusto Czarteryski in Paris. Augusto was inspired to become a priest, becoming a member of the Salesians. Through his travels, Joseph met St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, both Carmelites. Two years later he decided to join the Carmelite Order taking the name of Brother Raphael of St. Joseph. H studied theology in Hungary and was ordained a priest on Jan. 15, 1882.
He served as a priest with apostolic zeal. He was known as a good confessor and a spiritual director. He worked for church unity and was known for his holiness.
Bl. Raphael died of natural causes on Nov. 15, 1907. Miraculous healings which were attributed to him led to his canonization by Pope John Paul II in 1991.
I like to find at least a few moments each day spent in doing good for others out of love for God. These few moments, almost unnoticeably used, bring something like rays of peace and comfort behind them; they unite us with people and God by a pure feeling of tender sweetness.
Quote of Bl. Raphael Kalnowski
November is the Month of the Holy Souls