St. John Boste is one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. Their feast day is celebrated together on October 25. The Feast Day of St. John Boste is celebrated on July 24, the anniversary of his death.
St. John Boste was born in Dufton Westmoreland in 1544. He attended Queen’s College, Oxford. He became the first headmaster to serve under Queen Elizabeth l. He converted to Catholicism and was received into the Church in 1576. After leaving England he was ordained a priest in Rheims in 1581.
St. John Boste returned to England as a missionary priest. He evaded arrest for ten years. After a betrayal, he was finally arrested. He was found hiding behind a fireplace after celebrating a forbidden Mass. He was taken to the Tower of London and interrogated on the rack. He was then hung, drawn and quartered while reciting the Angelus prayer.
My function is to invade souls, not to meddle in temporal invasions.
Quote of St. John Boste
July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood