The feast day of St. Turibius of Magrovejo is celebrated on March 23. St. Turibius was born in Mayorga, Spain in 1538 to a noble family. He was very prayerful as a child. He had a devotion to the rosary and The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He studied law at the University of Salamanca. He practiced law as a judge for five years. King Phillip II was impressed by his holiness and wanted him to become a missionary. Turibius protested but eventually he was ordained a priest and then a Bishop in 1581. He was sent to Lima, Peru in South America.
In Peru, St. Turibius established schools, seminaries and hospitals. He learned the native languages to enable him to teach and minister to the people. He made three visitations of the entire diocese staying several days in each community. He denounced the exploitation of the Indians by Spanish nobles and brought about administrative reforms. He was assisted by St. Francis Solarius and St. Rose of Lima.
In 1606 he became seriously ill. Sensing his death he gave all his possessions to the poor before he died. St. Turibius was canonized in 1726.
Christ said “I am the Truth”, He did not say “I am the custom”‘.
Quote of St. Turibius of Magrovejo
March is the Month of St. Joseph