Category Archives: Faith

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Boniface, Feast Day June 5


St. Boniface Cutting Down Tree


The feast day of St. Boniface is celebrated on June 5.

St. Boniface was born in Wessex, England in 675. After studying in English monasteries he became a missionary traveling to Europe where he converted pagans in what today is Germany and the Netherlands.

St. Boniface became the bishop of Mainz in 722. He is remembered for cutting down an oak tree which was associated with the god Thor. Those who witnessed the event expected him to be punished by Thor. When nothing immediately happened many people converted.

The pope wanted St. Boniface to reform the German Church. St. Boniface organized the German Church solving many of the existing problems which included the education and proper ordination of the clergy.

On his final mission, at the age of 80, he and 53 companions were martyred while he was instructing converts for the sacrament of confirmation. The date of his martyrdom was June 5, 754. He is referred to as the Apostle to the Germans.


In her voyage across the ocean of this world,

the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves

of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship

but to keep her on her course. Let us stand fast in what is right

and prepare our souls for trial. Let us wait upon God’s strengthening

aid and say to him “O Lord, You have been our refuge in all generations.”

Quote of St. Boniface


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Francis Caracciolo, Feast Day June 4.

St. Francis Caracciolo
St. Francis Caracciolo

The feast day of St. Francis Caracciolo is celebrated on June 4.

St. Francis Caracciolo was born at Villa Santa Maria, Italy in 673. He was born into a noble family. While still young he came down with a skin disease that resembled leprosy. Already a very pious child, he vowed to devote his life to God if he was cured. After making the vow the skin disease was cured. At the age of 22, he began studying for the priesthood at Naples. He had a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament spending many hours in prayer before Our Lord. He also visited those in prisons and hospitals.

St. Francis was ordained in 1587. He soon joined a confraternity known as “The White Robes of Justice”. They visited the criminals sentenced to die. Together with two other devout men he started a religious order called the Minor Clerks Regular. They were very strict. They fasted and did penitential acts. Two years later Francis became the Superior of the Order.

St. Francis spent many hours in the confession. He was known for his gift of discerning hearts and prophecy, foretelling the date of his own death. St. Francis died surrounded by his community on the Vigil of Corpus Christi, June 4, 1608 after coming down with a fever.


The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not only the temple and the altar,

but also the censer of divine love….In that precious censer

all the worship, praise, prayers, desires, and affections

of all the saints are placed, like so many grains of incense

to be offered to God.

Quote of St. John Eudes; Feast day August 19


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Charles Lwanga, Feast Day June 3

St. Charles Lwanga Public Domain Image
St. Charles Lwanga


The feast day of St. Charles Lwanga is celebrated on June 3.

The Society of Missionaries attracted many converts in Uganda. The converts soon became teachers of the faith also. Uganda was ruled by King Mwanga who was violent and a pedophile. The Christians who lived and taught at King Mwanga’s court tried to protect the pages from the King. The leader of the 200 Christians was Joseph Mkassa. He confronted the King after a Protestant missionary and his companions were killed. Mwanga ordered his execution. Before he was beheaded and burned on Nov. 15, 1885 Joseph forgave Mwanga, but asked for repentance.

St. Charles, who was 18 when he converted, became the new leader of the Christian group. For six months the persecution lessened. Then, however, King Mwanga became angry and killed another student of Christianity with a spear. He ordered the royal compound sealed so no one could escape. Charles baptized four catecheumens (students) that night. The next day the king ordered the 15 boys and men to be executed because they refused to give up being Christians. They were ordered to walk 37 miles to be executed in Namugongo. Three died on the journey. After seven days in prison, they were burned to death. Thirteen Catholics and eleven Protestant’s died.

The Catholic faith was practiced in secret without clergy. After the death of King Mwanga, there were 500 Christians and 1000 catecheumans waiting to receive the sacraments again.

The 22 Catholic Martyrs of Uganda were canonized.


Do not be ashamed to confess the cross, for angels glory in it.


Quote of St. Cyril of Jerusalem; Feast day March 18

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Erasmus (St. Elmo), Feast Day June 2

Martyrdom of St. Erasmos Public Domain Image
Martyrdom of St. Erasmus


The feast day of St. Erasmus (also known as St. Elmo), is celebrated on June 2. He is the patron saint of sailors and against intestinal troubles.

St. Erasmus lived in Italy. He is also known as St. Elmo. He served as the Bishop of Formiae, Campagna, Italy and was martyred during the persecutions of Christians by Diocletan.

Trying to flee the persecutions St. Elmo fled to Mt. Lebanon and lived in solitude for a time. When he was found, he was tortured and imprisoned. Because he refused to deny his faith he was scourged and cast into boiling oil, sulfur and pitch. He was miraculously saved from harm. According to legend and angel led him to freedom.

After escaping prison he converted many with his preaching and miracles. A second time he was captured, imprisoned and tortured. Again, an angel led him to freedom.  During his torture he had hot iron hooks struck into his intestines. He survived these wounds which is why he is invoked for intestinal problems.

St. Elmo is also the patron saint of sailors. A blue light appears at mastheads before and after a storm; the seamen took it as a sign of St. Erasmus’s protection. This became known as St. Elmo’s Fire.

St. Elmo died was martyred in 303. He was tortured and disemboweled.

St. Elmo is considered one of the 14 Helpers. These fourteen saints are considered very effective in their ability to intercede in times of trouble, especially matters of health.


Nothing unites us so intimately

to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ

as does the cross.

Quote of St. Margaret Mary; Feast day October 17

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.


Pope’s message: Christian Joy is a Gift from the Holy Spirit

Pope Francis
Face Book Image

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Justin Martyr, Feast Day June 1

St. Justin Marty by Theophanes the Cretan Public Domain Image
St. Justin Martyr
by Theophanes the Cretan

The feast day of St. Justin Martyr is celebrated on June 1. He is a martyr and the patron saint of philosophers.

St. Justin Martyr was born at Flavia Neapolis, Palestine about the year 100. He was raised pagan in a Jewish culture. Justin was a student of philosophy. He was very interested in the teachings of Plato. As a student he studied a multitude of different philosophies before converting to Christianity. After his conversion, Justin began to proclaim his new found faith as he traveled from town to town trying to convert others to the faith. He also spent a great deal of time in Rome. After debating Crescens in Rome, Justin was denounced and condemned to death. Records of his death still exist. He was beheaded in 165.

St. Justin was known as an Apologist. An apologist is one who defends in writing the Christian faith. Two of his Apologies still exist. They are addressed to the Roman emperor and to the Senate. St. Justin is considered the first Christian Philosopher and the patron saint of philosophers.


The greatest grace God can give someone is to send him a trial

he cannot bear with his own powers…and then sustain him

with His grace so he may endure to the end and be saved.

Quote of St. Justin Martyr


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.
