Category Archives: Faith

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Turibius of Magrovejo, Feast Day March 23

St. Turibius
St. Turibius


The feast day of St. Turibius of Magrovejo is celebrated on March 23.   St. Turibius was born in Mayorga, Spain in 1538 to a noble family. He was very prayerful as a child. He had a devotion to the rosary and The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He studied law at the University of Salamanca. He practiced law as a judge for five years. King Phillip II was impressed by his holiness and wanted him to become a missionary. Turibius protested but eventually he was ordained a priest and then a Bishop in 1581. He was sent to Lima, Peru in South America.


In Peru, St. Turibius established schools, seminaries and hospitals. He learned the native languages to enable him to teach and minister to the people. He made three visitations of the entire diocese staying several days in each community. He denounced the exploitation of the Indians by Spanish nobles and brought about administrative reforms. He was assisted by St. Francis Solarius and St. Rose of Lima.


In 1606 he became seriously ill. Sensing his death he gave all his possessions to the poor before he died. St. Turibius was canonized in 1726.


Christ said “I am the Truth”, He did not say “I am the custom”‘.

Quote of St. Turibius of Magrovejo

March is the Month of St. Joseph



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Catherine of Sweden, Feast Day March 22

St. Catherine of Sweden

The feast day of St. Catherine of Sweden is celebrated on March 22.

St. Catherine was born in 1331 in Sweden to St. Brigid and Ulfo. At the age of thirteen she was married to Egad, a German nobleman. Catherine convinced him to take a mutual vow of chastity with her. They dedicated themselves to serving God and to a life of prayer.

After Catherine’s father died in 1349 Catherine traveled with her mother to Rome. Shortly after arriving there she learned of the death of her husband. St. Catherine and St. Brigid stayed in Rome for several years making pilgrimages to various holy places. St. Catherine refused to marry again. After several years, her mother also died. St. Catherine brought the body of her mother back to Sweden. She promoted the cause for her canonization and the approval of the Rule her mother had written for a group of religious women. Catherine became the Abbess of the Convent of Wadstena.


St. Catherine  was known for daily participation in the Sacrament of Confession to purify her soul. St. Catherine wrote a book titled Consolation of a Soul.

Pope Innocent VIII assigned her the feast day of March 22. She was canonized by Pope Pius II in 1484.


If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.
Let the truth be your delight…proclaim it…but with a certain congeniality.


Quote of St. Catherine of Sweden


March is the Month of St. Joseph




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Maria Candida, Feast Day March 21

Bl. Maria Candida

The feast day of Bl. Maria Candida is celebrated on March 21.   Maria Barba was born in Cantanzaro, Calabria. She was raised in Palermo, Sicily.

From the time of her first communion at the age of ten, Maria had a great devotion to the Eucharist. Her devotion grew when she read The Story of a Soul by a Carmelite nun, St. Thérèse of Lisiuex. At the age of 15 she wished to join a religious order, but her parents resisted. It was more than twenty years before her wish came true. Five years after the death of her mother she joined the Carmel of Ragusa in 1919, taking the name Maria Candida of the Eucharist. On April 23, 1924 she made her solemn profession as a Carmelite Nun. Within 6 months she became prioress of the Monastery.

As prioress Bl. Maria Candida worked diligently to revive the spirit of their foundress, St. Teresa of Jesus among the nuns of the monastery. The community grew under her leadership, making it possible to begin a new foundation in Syracuse.

Bl. Maria Candida shared her love of the Eucharist in the book she wrote: Eucharist; True Jewel of Eucharistic Spirituality.

Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist died from liver cancer in 1939 on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.



Our Lord does not come from Heaven every day to stay in a golden ciborium.  He comes to find another heaven, the heaven of our soul in which He loves to dwell.

St. Thérèse of Lisiuex; Feast day October 1


March is the Month of St. Joseph



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Ambrose Sansedoni, Feast Day March 20

St. Ambrose

The feast day of St. Ambrose Sansedoni is celebrated on March 20.

St. Ambrose Sansedoni was born in Siena, Italy in 1220. At birth, he was very deformed. He needed the care of a nurse. The nurse found that he was most peaceful when he was in St. Mary Magdalene Church near the altar. She reported that an unknown pilgrim said,

“Do not cover that child’s face. He will one day be the glory of this city.”

A few days later the child stretched out his deformed limbs saying the name “Jesus” and was healed; all of his deformities were gone

As a child Ambrose was very devout. He prayed and meditated during the night. He was drawn to reading the lives of the saints and reciting from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin.

At the age of 17, he joined the Dominicans in Siena, Italy. He was sent to study for the priesthood in Paris, France and Cologne, Germany with St. Thomas Aquinas. As a priest he devoted himself to preaching and teaching. He became well known for his elegant preaching. He also became a peacemaker; restoring peace between Venice and Genoa and also between Florence and Pisa.

St. Ambrose died of natural causes in 1287. His writings have not survived.


To be an angel in prayer, and a beast in one’s relations with people is to go lame in both legs.

St. Francis de Sales; Feast day January 24


March is the Month of St. Joseph



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Joseph, Feast Day March 19

St. Joseph and child
St. Joseph and child

The feast day of St. Joseph is celebrated on March 19.  St. Joseph is the patron for a happy death because tradition tells us that he died with Jesus and Mary at his side.


  Joseph was engaged to be married to Mary, when she was found with child. He was going to divorce her quietly to avoid scandal, however an angel appeared to him in a dream, saying,

“Joseph, son of David, do no be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”   Mat: 1: 20-21



Joseph immediately took Mary as his wife. The angel appeared to Joseph a second time. This time he was told his family was in danger. They fled to Egypt where they stayed until the angel told him it was safe to return.
Joseph worked as a carpenter. He was the foster father of Jesus, loving him and providing for him and Mary. Jesus, Mary and Joseph are referred to as “The Holy Family”.
We celebrate two feast days for St. Joseph. The first is on March 19; Feast day of St. Joseph,Husband of Mary. The second feast day is May 1; The Feast day of St. Joseph the Worker.



Always keep your devotion to St. Joseph, as I do. He will be your guide and counselor, just as he was
to Our Lady.



Quote of St. John XXIII; Feast day October 11

March is the Month of St. Joseph


 St. Joseph in Art



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Feast Day March 18

St. Cyril of Jerusalem
St. Cyril of Jerusalem

The feast day of St. Cyril of Jerusalem is celebrated on March 18.

St. Cyril was born in 315. He was raised in Jerusalem by a Christian family. Little is known about his early life. He was ordained by St. Maximus. He was a great instructor of catecheumans who were studying to become baptized into the church.

While serving as Bishop of Jerusalem, he was exiled from Jerusalem three times by the Arianists who denied the belief in the divinity of Christ. After his final return to Jerusalem he he attended the Council of Constantinople. He died in 386 at the age of 70.

St. Cyril is a Doctor of the Church.


If Christ could change water into wine, can He not change wine into His own blood?

Quote of St. Cyril of Jerusalem


March is the Month of St. Joseph

