Category Archives: Faith

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani; Feast Day Feb. 25

Bl. Marie Adeodata Pisani


The Feast day of Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani is celebrated on February 25.   She was born in Naples, Italy on Dec. 29, 1806 to a noble family.

Her childhood was quite troubled.   Her father was alcoholic, which led to marriage problems.  She was raised by her grandmother.  She was ten when her grandmother died.  She then entered a boarding school known as Istituodi Madama Prota which was in Naples.


After an uprising in Naples, her father was sentenced to death.  The sentence was suspended and he was expelled from Naples and deported to the island of Malta.  Maria and her mother went to Malta an lived in Rabal.  Maria Terese wished to become a nun rather than marry.  She enjoyed helping the poor and attending church.


At the age of 21 she entered the Benedictine Community in St. Peter’s Monastery.   She took the name Maria Adeodata (given by God).  She worked as a teacher, seamstress , sacristan and writer.  Her most well known work is The Mystical Garden of the Soul That Love Jesus and Mary, which was a collection of reflections.


Bl. Marie served as the abbess for several years but retired due to heart problems.  She died on Feb. 25, 1855 at the age of 48.


In 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani citing a miracle of the healing of a stomach tumor after a request for her intercession.


My daughters, I see more Pharisees among Christians than there were around Pilate!


Quote of St. Margaret of Cortona

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Luke Belludi, Feast Day Feb. 24

Bl. Luke Belludi
Bl. Luke Belludi
The feast day of Bl. Luke Belludi is celebrated on Feb. 24.   Bl. Luke was born in 1200 in Padua, Italy. In the year 1220 Bl. Luke was a student at the University in Padua.  Bl. Luke is the patron saint of students.




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Agatha, Feast Day Feb. 5

St. Agatha Public Domain Image
St. Agatha
Public Domain Image

The Catholic Church will be celebrating the feast day of St. Agatha on Feb. 5She is the patron saint of breast cancer.

St. Agatha was born in Catania, Sicily.   She died a martyr in 251.  She is one of seven women memorialized in the cannon of the Mass.

Her legendary story tells us she was tortured for her faith. After being imprisoned in a brothel by Quintian, she was then sent to prison. When she persisted in the faith, she was tortured by having her breasts amputated. She was then martyred. During a vision she had of St. Peter, she was healed.

Because of this torture, she is considered the patron saint of breast cancer victims.

St. Agatha died while in prison. In art she is shown with her amputated breasts on a platter.


The following quotes are attributed to St. Agatha:

“My courage and my thought be so firmly founded upon the firm stone of Jesus Christ, that for no pain it may not be changed, your words be not wind, your promises be but rain, and your menaces be as rivers that pass, and how will that all these things hurtle at the fundament of my courage, yet for that it shall not move.”

Quote of St. Agatha

“Jesus Christ, Lord of all things! You see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am — you alone.       I am your sheep; make me worthy to overcome the devil.”

Quote of St. Agatha

Lord Jesus Christ, you created me, you watched over me from infancy,
kept my body from defilement, preserved me from love of the world,
made me able to withstand torture, and granted me the virtue of patience
in the midst of torments.

   Quote of St. Agatha

Prayer to Saint Agatha

O St. Agatha,
who withstood the unwelcome advances
from unwanted suitors,
and suffered pain and torture
for your devotion to Our Lord,
we celebrate your faith, dignity, and martyrdom.

Protect us against rape and other violations,
guard us against breast cancer
and other afflictions of women,
and inspire us to overcome adversity.

O St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr,
mercifully grant that we who venerate your sacrifice,
may receive your intercession.


February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Polycarp, Feast Day Feb. 23

St. Polycarp
St. Polycarp

The feast day of St. Polycarp is celebrated on Feb. 23.

St. Polycarp was born around the year 70. He is considered an Apostolic Father of the Church because he was an actual disciple of the apostles.

St. Polycarp was a disciple of St. John the Evangelist. He became Bishop of Smyrna, (now Turkey).  He was friends with St. Ignatius of Antioch.

St. Polycarp was martyred for his faith. Three days before his martyrdom, he had a vision in which he saw his pillow on fire. He told his companions he would be burnt alive. St. Polycarp was arrested. When told he must swear allegiance to Caesar, he refused, professing that he was a Christian. He was threatened with death by wild beasts, but still refused. He was 86 years old when he was taken to the Smyrna stadium and an attempt was made to burn him alive in the year 156. The flames did him no harm, and so he was killed by a dagger.

The body of St. Polycarp was ordered to be burned.


“Help one another with the generosity of the Lord,
and despise no one.
When you have the opportunity to do good,
do not let it go by.”

Quote of St. Polycarp


February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: The Chair of Peter, Feast Day Feb. 22

Chair of St. Peter
Chair of St. Peter

The Feast day of the Chair of Peter is celebrated on February 22. On this day we are reminded of the importance of unity in the church. The Lord himself entrusted the church to the authority of St. Peter.

The word Chair comes from the word “Cathedra” which also is the origin of the word Cathedral. A Cathedral is the church of the Bishop of a diocese. The Pope is also known as the “Vicar of Christ”. It is his duty to defend the faith from errors and teach the truth of the faith.

Because of the teaching authority of the Bishop of Rome, the followers of Jesus in the Catholic Church are united in their beliefs. We trust in the Holy Spirit to guide the Holy Father in directing the church. The beliefs of the Catholic Church are Apostolic. They can be traced back to Jesus and the Apostles.

St. Peter served as the leader of the Church from 33-64 A.D. He was crucified upside down in Rome. The Basilica of St. Peter is built over his grave site.   When we accept the authority of the Bishop of Rome to teach the faith, we accept the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew 16: 18-19.

“And so I tell you, “You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Quote St. Peter

“Ten thousand difficulties
do not make one doubt.”

Quote of Bl. John Henry Newman


February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Robert Southwell, Feast Day Feb. 21

St. Robert Southwell
St. Robert Southwell

The feast day of St. Robert Southwell is celebrated on Feb. 21.

St. Robert Southwell was born in Norfolk, England in 1561 to a family of nobility. He attended the Roman Catholic college at Douai.


In 1580, St. Robert joined the Society of Jesus.   Robert studied theology in Rome.   He was ordained a priest in 1584, the same year an act was passed by the Elizabethan government forbidding Catholic priests to remain over 40 days in England. The punishment was death.


At his own request, St. Robert Southwell was sent to England as a missionary. He administered the sacraments for six years as the government kept him under surveillance. In 1572 he was arrested and tortured. St. Robert refused to reveal the names of fellow Catholics. He was imprisoned for three years before he was brought to trial. While in prison, he was allowed to write. He wrote many poems and essays which were published after his death.


St. Robert Southwell was tried for treason. The following day, he was hanged at Tyburn. He denied any evil intentions toward the Queen or her government.


Pope Paul VI canonized St. Robert Southwell as one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales on Oct. 25, 1970.



Our life is but a warfare,
and we are always in the field
against our professed enemies;
for in our baptism, we bid them battle
by defying and renouncing them.



Quote of St. Robert Southwell



February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord


