Category Archives: Saint of the Day

Prayers, Quips and Quotes; St. Philip Neri, Feast Day May 26

St. Philip Neri
St. Philip Neri


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Bede the Venerable, Feast Day May 25

St. Bede Public Domain Image
St. Bede

The feast day of St. Bede the Venerable is celebrated on May 25.

St. Bede was born  in Sunderland, England in 672 or 673 near the Monastery of St. Peter and St. Paul.  At an early age he was sent there to be educated.  His entire life became a life of study and prayer.

At the age of 19, he ordained a deacon.  He became a priest at the age of 30.  After declining  a request to be abbot of his monastery he chose to instead focus on writing.  He wrote over 60 books, which have not survived.  He also translated writings of the early church Fathers from Latin and Greek into English.

St. Bede died on Ascension Thursday, May 26, 735 while singing to God.   Pope Leo XIII proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church in 1899.


Christ is the morning star, who, when the night of this world is past, brings to His saints the promise of the light of life and opens everlasting day.

Quote of St. Bede

May is the Month of Our Lady

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Joanna, Feast Day May 24

St. Joanna

The feast day of St. Joanna is celebrated on May 24.

St. Joanna was a devoted follower of Jesus. We learn about her in Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 8. She was the wife of Chuza who was a steward for Herod. She, along with Mary Magdalene, Susanna, and other women, provided for Jesus out of their personal resources as he traveled from town to town preaching and healing.

St. Joanna was one of the three women who arrived at the tomb to prepare the body for burial on the first Easter morning. She is also referred to as the myrrh bearer. The women discovered the stone moved and the body gone. Two men appeared to them in dazzling clothes, telling them He had risen and reminding them that Jesus had said he would be crucified and rise again. The women reported to the Apostles all that they had seen and heard.

It is hard to imagine being such a close friend of Jesus. The disciples who followed and supported Jesus knew Him in a way we can only wish to know him. But St. Joanna shows us what a true disciple is. She supported Jesus and His ministry on a daily basis in any way possible. She heard the words he spoke and saw the miracles he worked. True friendship is what all of us should be seeking from Jesus. True friends are always there for each other. As disciples we should be serving Jesus in any way we can. We should also be turning to Him in all our needs weather they be small or large. We should never be afraid to be honest with Jesus, because He is our friend.

The instruments of God are always humble.

Quote of St. John Chrysostom; Feast day September 13


May is the Month of Our Lady

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Baptist Rossi, Feast Day May 23

St. John Baptist Rossi
St. John Baptist Rossi


The feast day of St. John Baptist Rossi is celebrated on May 23.

St. John Baptist Rossi was born in Voltaggio, Italy in 1698. He was one of four children. He studied in Rome. Suffering from epilepsy, he was forced to leave college. However, he eventually finished his studies. He was ordained a priest at the age of 23.

St. John Baptist Rossi worked in Rome for 40 years. He served the sick, homeless and prisoners. He earned a reputation for being a good confessor. He especially supported the hospice of Saint Gala which gave overnight shelter to the poor. It was founded by Pope Celestine III.

In 1764, St. John died from a stroke. The papal choir sang at his choir and 260 priests attended his funeral. He was canonized by Pope Leo XII in 1881.


From silly devotions and sour faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!

St. Teresa of Avila; Feast day October 15


May is the Month of Our Lady

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Eugene de Mazenod, Feast Day May 21

St. Eugene de Mazenod Public Domain Image
St. Eugene de Mazenod

The feast day of St. Eugene de Mazenod is celebrated on May 21.

St. Eugene Mazenod was born in Aixen Provence, France in 1782 on August 1. He was born into a wealthy family during the French Revolution. Because of the Revolution his family fled France and lived in exile for eleven years. His family life was filled with turmoil and fighting. Although Eugene tried to keep his family together, his parents eventually divorced. At the age of 20, Eugene returned to France. After having a mystical experience at the foot of the cross on Good Friday in 1807 Eugene was led to enter the seminary of Saint Sulpice in Paris in 1808. He was ordained a priest on Dec. 21, 1811 at Amiens, France.

As a priest, Eugene began by serving those in prison and the youth. He founded the Missionaries of Provence, asking the Pope directly that his group be recognized. It was approved by Pope Leo XII in 1826 under the name “Oblates of Mary Immaculate”. As Superior General St. Eugene led and inspired his missionaries for 35 years until his death. They worked with the youth, cared for shrines, worked in the prisons and heard confessions. Because of his zeal he earned the nickname, “the second Paul”.

In 1832, St. Eugene was named Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Marseilles. Five years later he became the Bishop. As Bishop, he sent his missionaries to Canada the United States, Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America. They would preach and baptize.

St. Eugene died at age 79. He was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1955. There are over 4000 Missionary Oblates in 67 countries today. St. Eugene de Mazenod is the patron saint of dysfunctional families.


In spiritual life, when you cease to climb, you begin to descend.

Quote of St. Bernard; Feast day August 20


May is the Month of Mary



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Ivo of Kermartin, Feast Day May 19

St. Ivo Painting by Rogier van der Weyden Public Domain Image
St. Ivo
Painting by Rogier van der Weyden

The feast day of St. Ivo of Kermartin is celebrated on May 19.  St. Ivo is the patron saint of lawyers, judges, orphans and widows.

St. Ivo was born in Kermarton, Brittany, France on Oct. 17, 1253. He studied at the University of Paris, becoming a lawyer. He quickly became well known for his knowledge of philosophy, theology and canon law. He was appointed a judge of the Ecclesiastical Court and received minor orders. It is believed he entered the Third Order of Franciscans. He was ordained a priest in 1284.

St. Ivo’s defense of the downtrodden earned him the title “Advocate of the Poor.” He often visited the poor in prison and payed their expenses. He refused to take bribes which was a common corruption of that time.

Eventually, St. Ivo was elected as an official for the Bishop of Treguier. In this position he resisted the taxation imposed upon the church. St. Ivo also built a hospital. St. Ivo served as a parish priest for 18 years. He died on May 19, 1303 at the age of 50. He was canonized by Pope Clement VI in 1347.

The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avert suffering the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt.

Quote of Thomas Merton


May is the Month of Our Lady.