The feast day of St. Camillus de Lellis is July 18.
St. Camillus was born on May 25, 1550 in Bucchianico, Abruzzo, Italy. His mother died when he was a child and he received little attention.
As a teenager he was adventurous and a risk taker often losing his money and fighting. During one fight he was wounded in his leg. The wound did not heal but spread to his foot. It was during this time that his father also died.
Camillus continued to fight and gamble. He became so destitute that he stopped at a church to request help. Leaving the church, he met two monks. He soon began working for a Capuchin monastery helping with construction projects. After talking to a priest, he had a burning desire to become a Benedictine priest. However, he was rejected due to lack of education.
At the age of 25, Camillus was admitted into a hospital for treatment of his leg. To pay for the treatment he cared for the sick and dying in the hospital. He was discharged form the hospital for gambling and fighting. He decided to study to become a Benedictine, however his wound again needed treatment. He returned to the hospital where he was hired to help reform the hospital.
At the age of 34 he became a priest and organized others to help. They called themselves “Servants of the Sick.”
The Order of St. Camillus serves the sick and dying in 35 countries. They care for both the physical and spiritual needs of the person in need.
It is always a feast where love is,
And where love is, God is.
Quote of Dorothy Day, Servant of God
July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood