The feast day of St. Rose Venerini is celebrated on May 7.
St. Rose was born at Viterbo, Italy in 1656. She was one of four children. Her father was a doctor. At an early age Rose was drawn to the religious life.
In 1676, at the encouragement of her father she entered the Dominican Monastery of St. Catherine, planning to make her vows there. Several months later, her father died suddenly and she returned home to care for her mother. The following years were filled with grief. Her brother Domenico died at the age of 27. Her mother died a few months later suffering greatly from grief.
Rose formed a rosary group in her home. A Jesuit priest became her advisor and she decided to become a teacher rather than a contemplative nun. On August 39, 1685, she left home to open her first school. Soon the cardinal asked her to supervise the training of teachers in the Diocese of Montefiascone. She organized and opened many schools in many cities of Italy, including Rome.
St. Rose celebrated the Eucharist daily. She meditated on the crucifix and united her suffering to the suffering of Christ. When she died in 1728 a number of miracles were attributed to her. She was canonized in 2006. The Venerini Sisters which she founded can now be found in the United States.
I feel so nailed to the will of God that nothing else matters, neither death nor life. I want what He wants. I want to serve Him as much as pleases Him and no more.
Quote by St. Rose Venerini
May is the Month of Our Lady