The feast day of Bl. Archangela Girlani is celebrated on Jan. 29.
Bl. Archangela Girlani was born to a noble family at Trino, Italy in 1460. She was educated by the Benedictines. From early childhood she wished to become a Benedictine Nun. However, on the way to the convent her horse refused to cooperate and take her there. She took this as a sign and decided to follow in the footsteps of her two sisters Maria and Frances (Scholastica) who had joined the Carmelite Order. At the age of 17, she enter the Carmelite Order, taking the name Archangela. In time she became the prioress, a position she held until her death.
Bl. Archangela was known for her mystical visions. While meditating on the mysteries of the faith, she experienced ecstasies and miracles. She had a special devotion to the Holy Trinity.
After three years as prioress, she became seriously ill. Bl. Archangela died peacefuly after saying the following words;
“Jesus my Love”.
My God,
may everything
I do and suffer today
be for love of You.
Quote of St. Bernadette; Feast day April 16
January is the Month of the Holy Name