
The feast day of Bl. William Carter is celebrated on January 11. He was born in London, England in 1548. He was a book publisher and a martyr.
Bl. William Carter was a married bookseller living in London. He owned his own printing press. The press was so small he could only produce one page at a time. He used the press to publish Catholic literature. He was always in danger from the Elizabethan authorities.
When the authorities searched his house they found vestments and chalices put in his care. They also found prayer books which contained Catholic prayers, meditations and spiritual exercises. He was charged with printing and publishing the Treatise of Schisme which allegedly incited violence by Catholics and was said to have been written by a traitor.
After the trial, the jury met for 15 minutes before finding him guilty. While the jury was deliberating, William had his final confession heard by a priest who was also on trial. The next day, which was January 11, 1584, he was executed by being hanged, drawn and quartered.
Bl. William Carter was beatified in 1987.
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord,
and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
Quote of St. Augustine; Feast day August 28
January is the Month of the Holy Name