St. Bartholomew was born in Galilee. He was also known as Nathanael. Bartholomew was one of the original twelve Apostles called by Jesus. We know very little about Bartholomew except that he was faithful to Jesus and did his best to spread Christianity after the Resurrection of Jesus. St. Bartholomew is the patron saint against neurological diseases and leather workers.
Bartholomew was present at the Last Supper and he witnessed the Ascension.
After the resurrection, Bartholomew preached in India, Ethiopia and Asia Minor. He was flayed and beheaded by King Astyages in Armenia for converting souls to Christianity.
The feast day of St. Bartholomew is celebrated on Aug. 24.
The feast day of St. Blaise is celebrated on Feb. 3. He is the patron saint of throat maladies and wild animals. The ceremonial blessing of the throats is credited to St. Blaise.
The actual birth date of St. Blaise is not known. He was born into a wealthy family in Sebastea, Armenia. It is believed Blaise was a physician who had also studied philosophy. Eventually, he became the Bishop of Sebastea, Armenia. He was known for his gift of healing. The most famous of these healings was the healing of a young boy who was choking on a fish bone. This led to the tradition of blessing of the throats on his feast day using two blessed candles pressed against the throat.
St. Blaise not only healed people, but he also healed wild animals. A pig, belonging to a poor woman, had been attacked by a wolf. After Blaise succeeded in healing the pig, he fled to the hills to avoid persecution. Eventually, he was found and captured. Sentenced to die for his faith, the woman whose pig he had cured came to visit him, bringing him two wax candles to dispel evil. He was eventually tortured and killed in the year 316.
When the blessing of St. Blaise is given, two candles are consecrated by a prayer. These candles are held in a crossed position by a priest over the throat of the person being blessed. The following blessing which is found in the official Book of Blessings is often then prayed:
Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Blaise in Art P
Doing little things with a strong desire to please God makes them really great.