The feast day of Bl. Mary Angela is celebrated on October 10.
Bl. Mary Angela Truszkowska was baptized as Sophia Camille after she was born in Kalisz, Poland on May 16, 1825. Her parents were well educated and devout Catholics.
As a child Sophia’s health was frail due to contracting tuberculosis. She was tutored at home. After the family moved to Warsaw in 1837, Sophia enrolled for a short time at the Academy of Madame Guerin until she withdrew due to health issues. She studied at home using her father’s library. She developed a great interest in social justice.
Sophia was drawn to a strong prayer life. She attended daily Mass and had a devotion to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. When she was 23 she experienced a conversion which changed her life. She considered joining the cloistered Visitation Sisters but was advised by her confessor not to leave her ailing father.
While traveling with her father in Germany, Sophia felt called by Our Lord to serve the suffering poor and aging. She became a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. She was constantly searching for God’s will while she served the poor. Eventually, Sophia began to teach the poor children and help the aging and homeless. Together with her cousin Clothilde they rented an attic with her father’s help and began the “Institute of Sofia Truszkowska”.
Both Clothilde and Sophia became Lay Franciscans. Sophia took the name Mary Angela. Their Franciscan spirituality led them to start a new order. On the feat day of the Presentation of the Bl. Virgin Mary, they dedicated themselves before an icon of Our Lady of Czestvehowa and founded the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice. St. Felix was the first Capuchin Franciscan to be canonized. The purpose of the order was that “in all and by all” God may be known, loved and glorified”. They became known as the “Felician Sisters”. Their ministry ranged from teaching to hospitals and caring for the poor and aging.
Mother Angela served for over 30 years. The suffering she experienced from progressive deafness, malignant tumors and terrible headaches was mostly unknown by those she served. Her Eucharistic spirituality inspired many. She always tried to imitate Mary and was known for her great love.
Today the Congregation of Sisters of St. Felix are known for their devotion to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Mother Angela died on October 10, 1899. Her face changed from one of suffering to an expression of peace.
“Jesus wants us to serve Him with a joyful heart”
Quote of Bl. Mary Angela
October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary