The feast day of St. Marguerite Bourgeoye is celebrated on January 12. She was a Canadian missionary.
St. Marguerite Bourgeoye was born in Troyes, France in 1620. She died in 1700. After her mother’s death at the age of 19, she consecrated herself to the service of God. Eventually she became a missionary in Canada. She established a school for Indian girls in Montreal and became known as “Mother of the Colony”. She spent her time teaching the poor, the natives and young girls.
St. Marguerite co-founded the Congregation of Notre-Dame. St. Marguerite Bourgeoye was canonized on October 31, 1982.
It seems to me that we do not pay enough attention to prayer, for unless it arises from the heart which ought to be its center, it is no more than a fruitless dream. Prayer ought to carry over into our thoughts, our words and our actions.
Quote of Marguerite Bourgeoys
January is the Month of the Holy Name
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