The feast day of St. Louis Marie de Montfort is celebrated on April 28.
St. Louis de Montfort was born on Jan 31, 1673 at Montfort, France. As a child he had a profound devotion to praying before the Blessed Sacrament. At the age of 12 he entered a Jesuit College in Rennes. While at college he visited church before and after class. He joined a society of men who ministered to the poor and the sick. He would read to those in the hospital during their meals. He studied theology in Paris. At the age of 27 he was ordained in 1700 and assigned as a hospital chaplain at Poitiers. He reorganized the staff which resulted in great resentment and his resignation.
Pope Clement XI appointed him to be a missionary and he went to Brittany to preach. He was an emotional preacher and was successful in spreading the devotion to the Blessed Virgin through the Rosary. He wrote “True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin” and “The Secret of the Rosary” which were very popular books. He was also known for his devotion to the angels; especially guardian angels.
At the age of 37 St. Louis de Montfort became a Third Order Dominican.
For 17 years he preached the gospel in towns and villages. His preaching was known to move men to cry and beg for forgiveness. St. Louis preached against Jansenism. He founded the Daughters of Wisdom who worked in the hospitals and teaching girls and the Company of Mary which was for missionaries. St. Louis organized several priests into the Company of Mary in 1715. The Company of Mary was led for 39 years by Father Mulot who at first refused to join the Company due to being paralyzed on one side. He was however cured of his disability when he began to preach.’
St. Louis de Montfort fell ill and died on April 28, 1716.
Imitate the virtues of the Blessed Virgin, particularly her profound humility, her lively faith, her blind obedience, her continual prayer.
Quote of St. Louis Marie de Montfort
April is the Month of the Eucharist.
St. Louis de Montfort in Art