Tag Archives: Italy

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Feast Day Feb. 27

St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

St. Gabriel 2

The feast day of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on Feb. 27. St. Gabriel’s baptismal name was Francis Possenti. He was born into a large family living in Assisi, Italy on March 1, 1838. His father was a lawyer.  St. Gabriel is the patron saint of students, young people and of clergy.

The early life of Francis was filled with loss and suffering. Two siblings died in 1841 followed by the death of his mother soon after. He was only four years old. Years later, one of his brothers was killed in the Italian war with Austria and his brother Lawrence committed suicide.

Although as a teenager Francis was quite worldly, he felt a call to the religious life. He was educated by the Jesuits. After the death of his sister to cholera he decided to enter the Passionist Order. The religious order is dedicated to the veneration and meditation on the passion of Jesus Christ. He took the name Gabriel of the Our Lady of Sorrows.


St. Gabriel 1
While studying to become a priest he was known for his obedience, cheerfulness and humility. He was considered an outstanding student. Four years after becoming a novitiate he was diagnosed with tuberculosis.

St. Gabriel died in 1866 embracing an image of Our Lady of Sorrows before he could be ordained a priest. He was only 24 years old.

Many miracles are attributed to him after his death.   St. Gamma Galgani credited St. Gabriel with her cure from spinal meningitis which led her to a vocation as a Passionist.



Love Mary!  She is lovable, faithful, constant.  She will never let herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme.  If you are in danger, she will hasten to free you.  If you are troubled, she will console you.  If you are sick, she will bring you relief.  If you are in need, she will help you.  She does not look to see what kind of person you have been.  She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her.  She comes quickly and opens her merciful Heart to you, embraces you, consoles and serves you.  She will even be on hand to accompany you on the trip to eternity.

Quote of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani; Feast Day Feb. 25

Bl. Marie Adeodata Pisani


The Feast day of Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani is celebrated on February 25.   She was born in Naples, Italy on Dec. 29, 1806 to a noble family.

Her childhood was quite troubled.   Her father was alcoholic, which led to marriage problems.  She was raised by her grandmother.  She was ten when her grandmother died.  She then entered a boarding school known as Istituodi Madama Prota which was in Naples.


After an uprising in Naples, her father was sentenced to death.  The sentence was suspended and he was expelled from Naples and deported to the island of Malta.  Maria and her mother went to Malta an lived in Rabal.  Maria Terese wished to become a nun rather than marry.  She enjoyed helping the poor and attending church.


At the age of 21 she entered the Benedictine Community in St. Peter’s Monastery.   She took the name Maria Adeodata (given by God).  She worked as a teacher, seamstress , sacristan and writer.  Her most well known work is The Mystical Garden of the Soul That Love Jesus and Mary, which was a collection of reflections.


Bl. Marie served as the abbess for several years but retired due to heart problems.  She died on Feb. 25, 1855 at the age of 48.


In 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani citing a miracle of the healing of a stomach tumor after a request for her intercession.


My daughters, I see more Pharisees among Christians than there were around Pilate!


Quote of St. Margaret of Cortona

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Luke Belludi, Feast Day Feb. 24

Bl. Luke Belludi
Bl. Luke Belludi
The feast day of Bl. Luke Belludi is celebrated on Feb. 24.   Bl. Luke was born in 1200 in Padua, Italy. In the year 1220 Bl. Luke was a student at the University in Padua.  Bl. Luke is the patron saint of students.




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Gertrude Caterina Comensoli, Feast Day Feb. 18

St. Gertrude
The feast day of St. Gertrude Caterina Comensoli is celebrated on Feb. 18.

St. Gertrude was born in Biennio Brescia, Italy in 1837 into a large family. From early childhood she was always aware of the presence of God, especially in the Eucharist. She was drawn to prayer in the presence of the tabernacle. At the age of 15, Gertrude wanted to join the convent. Because of illness she was forced to wait. She worked as a domestic worker for a priest.

St. Gertrude was concerned about the transition of Italy’s rural society into an industrial one. She gained a private audience with Pope Leo XIII who encouraged her to do something which focused on the education of young women.

On Dec. 15, 1882 she founded the Congregation of the Sacramentine Sisters of Bergamo. It’s focus was on adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and education. The sisters committed their lives to prayer and helping those who were most in need.

St. Gertrude died of natural causes while praying in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in 1903.


Arm yourself with prayer rather than a sword,
wear humility rather than fine clothes.

Quote of St. Dominic; Feast day August 8


February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Peregrine, Feast Day Feb. 17

St. Peregrine
The feast day of the Seven Founders of the Order of Servites is celebrated on Feb. 17.  St. Peregrine was a member of the Servite Order. He is the patron saint of cancer patients.

On the feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Virgin Mary surrounded by Angels appeared to seven men in Florence, Italy. She said,

“I would like you to leave the world and later I will tell you what I want you to do.”

They built a simple church and lived as hermits.  Many years later, Mary appeared again, directing them to be called “Servants of Mary”.

“I have chosen you to be my first Servants and under this name you are to till my Son’s Vineyard.”

They followed the Rule of St. Augustine and dedicated themselves to spread the devotion to the Passion of Jesus and the Sorrows of Mary.

St. Peregrine is one of the most well know Servite saints. He was born in Forli, Italy. While still young he was active in politics and was a member of the anti-papal party.  During a protest in which St. Philip Benzi was mediating, Peregrine, who was just 18 years old, repented when he saw the humility of St. Philip.  He converted to the catholic faith and after receiving a vision from Our Lady he went to Siena and joined the Servites. As a priest he was a good preacher and known as an excellent confessor. He brought many people back to the faith through the sacrament of confession.

In his sixties, he developed a tumor on his leg which continued to worsen until the doctors decided it must be amputated. He prayed throughout the night, experiencing a vision of Jesus descending from the cross to heal his leg. When he awoke he was completely cured. The news of this miracle spread quickly.
St. Peregrine died at the age of 85 in 1345.   The feast day of St. Peregrine is celebrated on May 1.

Loving God, in spite of all that you give us,
we still find suffering in our lives.
You generously offered healing to our Servite Brother Peregrine.
Following his example, we turn to you with our troubles.
Strengthen those who suffer from cancer and other serious diseases.
Look kindly upon us all and heal us.
Give us comfort in the troublesome moments of our personal lives.
Heal us of hurt and resentment. Give grace and joy to our spirit,
that we might continue to praise you.
We ask these things through Christ our Lord. Amen

Author unknown

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord.





Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Catherine dei Ricci, Feast Day Feb. 13

St. Catherine dei Ricci 2

The feast day of St. Catherine dei Ricci is celebrated on Feb. 13.  She is the patron saint of the sick.

St. Catherine was born in 1522 in Italy. Her baptismal name was Alexandria, however she took the name Catherine when she joined the Dominican Order. As an infant her mother died and she was raised by her godmother. As a child she was known for her love of praying in solitude. She also talked to her guardian angel and learned to pray the rosary. At the age of six her father placed her in a convent in Florence, Italy, where her aunt was the Abbess.

Alexandria joined the Dominican nuns at Prat in Tuscany when she was 14 taking the name of Catherine. By he age of 25 she was the perpetual prioress. She had a great reputation for sanctity. Although they never met, she corresponded to St. Philip Neri, also known as the Apostle of Joy.

St. Catherine had a great devotion to the Passion of Christ. In 1541 she had a heartbreaking vision of the crucifixion which confined her to bed for three weeks finally recovering on Holy Saturday by a vision of St. Mary Magdalene and the risen Jesus. For 12 years she experienced ecstasy every Thursday from noon until Friday at 4 p.m. During the visions she received the stigmata, the wound in the left side and the crown of thorns. She offered her suffering for the Holy souls in Purgatory.

Many people came to witness her ecstasy, even though she did not like the attention it caused. One of her visions was of receiving a ring from the lord as a sign of her espousal to him.

Three popes were known to have asked her for her prayers; Pope Marcellus II, Pope Leo XI and Pope Clement VIII.

St. Catherine is the patron saint of sick people because she cared for the sick while living in the convent. She died after a long illness at the age of 68 in 1590.

“If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.”

Quote of St. Teresa of Calcutta; Feast day Sept. 5

February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord
