St. Joseph Barsabas was a follower and disciple of Christ. In the Acts of the Apostles St. Matthias was chosen over him to replace Judas after the crucifixion.
St. Joseph Barsabas, is also known as Barsabbas and Joseph the Just. He is considered one of the 72 disciples sent out by Our Lord. (Luke 10:1)
He spread the good news of the resurrection after the crucifixion.
Why climb the mountains or go down into the valleys of the world looking for Him who dwells within us.
The feast day of St. Macrina the Younger is celebrated on July 19. She was born into a family of saints during the year 327 in Cesarea. Her grandparents were martyrs. Her grandmother was St. Macrina the Elder. Her parents Basil the Elder and Emmelia are both saints.
Macrina’s mother taught her to read and educated her. Macrina in turn taught her brothers to read. Her brothers were St. Basil and St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Peter of Sebastea.
At the age of twelve, Macrina became engaged to marry. Her fiance died suddenly and she then decided to remain single. She helped her mother raise her brothers as well as helping her mother run the household.
When Macrina’s father died, both Macrina and her mother consecrated themselves to a life of prayer and contemplation.
St. Macrina died a peaceful death in 371 holding the crucifix which she always had near her.
My life is an instant, an hour which passed by.
My life is a moment which I have no power to stay.
You know, O my God, that to love you here on earth…
The feast day of St. Camillus de Lellis is July18.
St. Camillus was born on May 25, 1550 in Bucchianico, Abruzzo, Italy. His mother died when he was a child and he received little attention.
As a teenager he was adventurous and a risk taker often losing his money and fighting. During one fight he was wounded in his leg. The wound did not heal but spread to his foot. It was during this time that his father also died.
Camillus continued to fight and gamble. He became so destitute that he stopped at a church to request help. Leaving the church, he met two monks. He soon began working for a Capuchinmonastery helping with construction projects. After talking to a priest, he had a burning desire to become a Benedictine priest. However, he was rejected due to lack of education.
At the age of 25, Camillus was admitted into a hospital for treatment of his leg. To pay for the treatment he cared for the sick and dying in the hospital. He was discharged form the hospital for gambling and fighting. He decided to study to become a Benedictine, however his wound again needed treatment. He returned to the hospital where he was hired to help reform the hospital.
At the age of 34 he became a priest and organized others to help. They called themselves “Servants of the Sick.”
The Order of St. Camillus serves the sick and dying in 35 countries. They care for both the physical and spiritual needs of the person in need.
The feast day of Bl. Rose Chretien is celebrated on July 17. It is also the Feast of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne. She was born near Eureaux, France in 1741.
Bl. Rose married at a young age and soon became a widow. She decided to join the Discalced Carmelite Order and became a choir nun. At her profession in 1777 she took the religious name of Sister Julia Louise of Jesus.
Bl. Rose is considered one of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne. The sixteen Carmelites were imprisoned along with English Benedictine nuns. The Carmelites were condemned as traitors and sentenced to death by guillotine. As they were martyred, one by one, they renewed their vows and chanted the hymn Veni Creato Spiritus which was the hymn sung at their ceremony professing their vows.
Several days after their deaths, the persecution called the Reign of Terror led by Robespierre came to an end. The English Benedictine Nuns credited the Carmelites with ending the bloodbath and saving their community.
The Carmelite Sisters were buried in a common grave at Picpus Cemetery with a single cross where 1306 other victims of the guillotine were buried.
Those who do something for the glory of God are not troubled by failure, because they have already achieved their pupose of pleasing God, by acting with a pure intention.
Quote of St. Alphonsus Liguori, Feast day August 1
The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is celebrated by the Catholic Church on July 16. It is on this day in about 1386 that Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock. She gave him a Brown Scapular saying,
“Take, beloved son this scapular of thy order as a badge of my confraternity and for thee and all Carmelites a special sign of grace; whoever dies in this garment, will not suffer everlasting fire.”
The scapular symbolizes Mary’s protection and reminds those wearing it of the call to prayer and penance. It stands for a commitment to follow Jesus and imitate Mary as the perfect model of all disciples of Christ.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Public Domain Image
A chapel was built near the Fountain of Elijah (northern Israel) which was dedicated to Our Lady. The hermits living there became known as the “Brothers of Mount Carmel”. St. Simon Stock was a leader of the Carmelite Order. The Carmelites have a special devotion to Mary. Their saints and theologians have a special devotion to her and the mystery of the Immaculate Conception (the belief that Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin). St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Terese of Lisieux are well known Carmelite saints.
Mt. Carmel is located north of Jerusalem along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a well known mountainous ridge in Palestine which is covered with caves. Hermits lived in the caves, living a life of solitude and prayer. Mt. Carmel is mentioned in the Old Testament many times.
The history of the Carmelites dates back to ancient times. It is believed to have been founded by the prophets Elijah and Elisha. The Carmelite Order is a contemplative order. Their spirituality follows the contemplative spirit of Elijah, living a spiritual life of contemplation and prayer. One of their goals is to “find God in the silence’. The rule of the Carmelites was written by St. Albert Avogadro in 1214.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
The feast celebrates the appearance of Mary to St. Simon Stock.It is a special feast day for those who have a special devotion to Mary and wear the Brown Scapular. The Apparition of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel was approved by Pope Sixtus V in 1587. The feast celebrates the appearance of Mary to St. Simon Stock.
The feast day of St. Bonaventure is celebrated on July 15.
St. Bonaventure was born in 1218 in Bagnorgio, Latium. His name at birth was John of Fidanza. He was the son of a doctor. When he was young, he suffered from a serious illness. His distraught mother took him to St. Francis of Assisi to ask for healing prayers. When healed, St. Francis exclaimed “O-Buono ventura!” (O good fortune!) From then on he was known as Bonaventure.
St. Bonaventure studied philosophy and theology in Paris. He entered the Franciscan order in 1243 at age 22. He later became a bishop. Pope Sixtus V inscribed him Doctor of the church in 1557.
St. Bonaventure was regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of the Middle Ages. St. Bonaventure wrote many books, including The Journey of the Mind to God. He is known as the Seraphic (Angelic) Doctor.
In 1257, St. Bonaventure was chosen as minister general of the Franciscan Order. He led the order into a deeper love of the Franciscan spirituality. At the request of his brothers he wrote a book describing St. Francis titled The life of St. Francis.
St. Bonaventure died while assisting the Second Council of Lyons on July 15, 1274.