Tag Archives: Saint of the Day

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Flavian, Feast Day December 22

St. Flavian

The feast day of St. Flavian is celebrated on December 22.

St. Flavian became the Patriarch of Constantinople after the death of Patriarch Proclus. It was a time of great turmoil in the church. St. Flavian convened a Local Council at Constantinople to discuss the heresy of Eutyches, which believed Jesus was Divine but not human.

When Eutyches persisted in his belief, he was excommunicated from the Church. Chrysathius, a friend of Eutyches, defended him and won his equital and the condemnation of Patrizrch Flavian.

Flavian suffered sever beatings and then he was chained and sentenced to banishment.

St. Flavian suffered martyrdom in August, 449.


Let us who are about to greet

the birthday of the Lord

clean our consciences.

Quote of St. Maximus of Turin; Feast day June 25


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy





Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Peter Canisius, Feast Day December 21

St. Peter Canisius

The feast day of St. Peter Canisius is celebrated on December 21.  He is the patron saint of the Catholic Press, a Jesuit priest and a Doctor of the Church.

St. Peter Canistius was born in Holland in 1521. He received his masters degree at the age of 19 from the University of Cologne. He studied art, law, and theology. He met Peter Faber, the first disciple of Ignatius, at a retreat. Soon after, he decided to become a member of the Society of Jesus, (the Jesuits). He was ordained in 1546. During the Council of Trent he was a delegate. St. Peter taught at several universities and established colleges and seminaries. He also wrote a catechism for lay people which was easy to understand. It was translated into twelve languages. He was an eloquent preacher, leading the counter reformation and renewing the faith in southern Germany. He also led reform in Austria, Bavaria and Bohemia.

After Mass one day, he received a vision of the Sacred Heart. Afterward, he offered his work to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Prior to his death he suffered from a paralytic seizure. He continued preaching and writing until his death on Dec. 21, 1597.


“Anyone who wishes to frolic with the devil cannot rejoice with Christ.”

Quote of St. Peter Canisius


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Dominic of Silos, Feast Day December 20

St. Dominic of Silos

The feast day of St. Dominic of Silos is celebrated on December 20.  He is the patron saint of pregnant women, shepherds and prisoners.  He was a Benedictine monk and priest.

St. Dominic of Silos was born in Navarre, Spain. around the year 1000. He was a peasant, shepherding his father’s flock. His love of solitude led him to become a Benedictine monk. He was ordained a priest becoming the Master of novices and prior. Because of his opposition to the annexation of the monastery land he was driven into exile.

St. Dominic turned to King Ferdinand I of Leon for aid. King Ferdinand found him refuge in the town of Silos in a decaying Abbey occupied by six monks. Dominic became the abbot of the community. He rebuilt the monastery both physically and spiritually. The monastery became a center of book design and scholarship Its proceeds were used for charity.
St. Dominic raised funds to ransom Christians taken prisoner by the Moors. The membership in the monastery increased to 40 monks.

St. Dominic died on Dec. 20. Many healings were reported at the monastery, especially regarding pregnancy.  Almost one hundred hears after his death, Blessed Joan de Aza de Guzmán prayed at his shrine to conceive the child she named Dominic.

“Is it not reward enough to know that one is doing the will of God?”

Quote of St. Just Bretenie’res; Feast day September 20


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Thomas De and Companions, Feast Day December 19

Japanese Martyrs


The feast day of St. Thomas De and Companions is celebrated on December 19.

St. Thomas was a tailor in Vietnam who entered the Dominican Order as a tertiary.  He was arrested and charged with giving aid and shelter to foreign missionaries.  He was strangled at the age of 26.

The companions of St. Thomas De were Dominic Uy, Augustine Moi, Xavier May and Francis Man.

Augustine was also a Dominican tertiary.  He was a day laborer.  He refused to trample a crucifix when he was ordered to do so.  He was strangled.

Francis Xavier was a native catechist and was also strangled.

Francis Man was a Dominican Tertiary working as a catechist when arrested.

St. Thomas De and Companions were among the 117 Vietnamese martyrs canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1988.

“Faith lifts the staggering soul on one side;

Hope supports it on the other;

Experience says it must be

and Love says…Let it be.

Quote of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton;  Feast Day January 4


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Anthony Grassi, Feast Day December 18

Bl. Anthony Grassi

The feast day of Bl. Anthony Grassi is celebrated on December 18.  He was an Oratian priest and confessor.

Bl. Anthony Grassi was born in Ferma, Italy in 1592.   His father died when he was only ten years old.  From his father he received a devotion to Our Lady of Loreto.  At the age of 17 he joined the Oratorian Fathers.  Because of his impressive memory he was known as a “walking dictionary”.

Before he was ordained, Bl. Anthony suffered for a time from scruples, (fear of committing sin).  However, while celebrating his first Mass this fear was lifted and replaced with serenity.

At the age of 29, while on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loreto, he was struck by lightning and it was believed he would die.  He was temporarily paralyzed.   When he recovered after several days, he realized he had been cured of  his acute indigestion.  In thanksgiving for his new life he made a yearly pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loreto, which was only twenty miles from the Oratory.

As a priest, his spiritual father was St. Philip Neri.  They both had the gift of healing, and Bl. Anthony was credited with many healings before and after his death.    Father Anthony became known as a good confessor, hearing confessions for 5-6 hours daily.   Father Antony exercised his priestly ministry in instructing the ignorant, comforting the weak, visiting the sick and imprisoned, helping the troubled and encouraging youth in the ways of holiness.

Bl. Anthony died in1671  Antony was beatified by Pope Leo XIII on 30th September, 1900.


“Where there is no love, put love and you will find love.”

Quote of St. John of the Cross;  Feast Day November 14


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Olympias, Feast Day December 17

St. Olympias

The feast day of St. Olympias is celebrated on December 17.  She was a widow and deaconess from Constantinople.

St. Olympius was born in Constatinople in 368 into a wealthy family. She was left orphaned and raised by her sister Theodosia who was quite pious. She married at a young age to Nebridias who was the treasurer of the Emperor Theodosius the Great.  He died only 20 days after their marriage.

Turning down several offers of marriage Olympius insisted on remaining single. She was consecrated a deaconess by the Bishop of Constantinople. With several other women she founded a community. They established a hospital and an orphanage. They also sheltered expelled monks from Nitria.

St. Olympius became a friend and disciple of St. John Chrysostom. When he was expelled in 404 from Constantinople she continued to support him. When she refused to support Arsacius and his successor Atticus, she was fined and persecuted. Her community disbanded, bringing to an end her charitable works.

St. Olympius died in exile in Nicodemia on July 25.


You will be consoled according to
the greatness of your sorrow and affliction;
the greater the suffering,
the greater will be the reward.

Quote of St. Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi; Feast day May 25


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy
