The feast day of St. Bruno is celebrated on October 6. He is the founder of the Carthusian Order.
St. Bruno was born at Cologne, Germany in 1030. He studied in France and was ordained a priest. For 18 years he was a professor of theology. He then became the Chancellor of the archdiocese. He supported the reform of clergy by Pope Gregory VII and removed his own archbishop because of scandal.
St. Bruno had a great love of silence and solitude. He received a vision from God showing him a hermitage where he should spend his life growing closer to God. Along with friends, St. Bruno opened a hermitage in Chartreuse. Their order became known as the Carthusians. The hermitage was in a mountainous, desert region which was very isolated. The hermits lived in private cells, coming together for Matins and Vespers each day. The rest of their day was spent in solitude. They ate together only on great feast days. Their time was spent copying manuscripts.
Pope Urban II requested St. Bruno to come to Rome as an advisor. When the pope fled Rome Bruno moved to Calabria after turning down an offer to become a bishop.
St. Bruno died of natural causes on October 6, 1101.
Although he was not formally canonized, Pope Clement X extended his feast day to the whole church in 1674.
“To pray the rosary is to hand over our burdens
to the merciful hearts of Christ and His Mother.”
Quote of St. John Paul II; Feast Day October 22
October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary