The feast day of St. Elizabeth of Schoenna is celebrated on June 18.
St. Elizabeth was born in 1129 in Bonn, Germany. She was raised in a monastery and at the age of twelve entered a Benedictine Monastery. She made her profession in 1147 and became superioress of the Benedictine Nuns in 1157.
Elizabeth often had visions and ecstasies which occurred on Holy Days and Sundays. She wrote down her visions and after her death in 1165, the material was published by her brother Egbert who was a priest. The church has not examined her work and has not given an opinion.
Although she has never been formally canonized her name has been entered in the Roman martyrology.
To be ignorant of the Scriptures is to be ignorant of Christ.
Quote of St. Jerome; Feast day September 30
June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.