All posts by Vicki Scheenstra

Vicki Scheenstra is a former Catholic Bookstore owner and has been active in Catholic Education.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Romuald, Feast Day June 19

St. Romuald Public Domain Image
St. Romuald
Public Domain Image




St. Romuald was born at Ravenna, Italy in 951. His feast day is celebrated on June 19.

As a young man he pursued the pleasures of the world. However, at the age of 20, he witnessed a duel between his father and a relative over property. His father killed the relative. St. Romuald fled to a Benedictine monastery to do penance as if he had committed the crime himself.

St. Romuald became a monk at the Basilica of Saint Apollinare in Classe. Wanting a stricter order he founded several monasteries of his own. When faced with temptation he always turned to prayer. His rule states,

 “Sit in your cell as in paradise. Put the whole world behind you and forget it. Watch your thoughts like a good fisherman watching for fish. The path you must follow is in the Psalms – never leave it.”

St. Romuald spent 30 years founding monasteries. His father eventually followed him and became a monk. When he wavered he had the encouragement of his son.

St. Romuald died in the year 1027.


I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me.

God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to see before me.

God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to speak for me,

God’s hand to guard me, God’s way to be before me,

God’s shield to protect me, God’s host to secure me.


Quote of St. Patrick, Feast Day March 17

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.

Pope Francis defines gift of piety as friendship with God


Pope Francis Face Book Image
Pope Francis
Face Book Image

During his catechesis for the general audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis described the gift of piety received from the Holy Spirit, saying not to confuse it with pity. He described piety as a friendship with God, given us by Jesus; a friendship that changes our life and fills us with enthusiasm and joy. According to Zenit News Agency, Pope Francis said this gift is often misunderstood as pity.

Pope Francis told thousands gathered for his weekly general Audience that when the Holy Spirit pours love into our hearts we are led to perceive the Lord’s presence and love in our lives. This moves us to respond joyfully in prayer and adoration.

Pope Francis said,

“We experience ever anew, with joy and gratitude, the loving relationship with God our Father which has been granted us in Jesus his Son which grounds and perfects our authentic worship of God.”


Pope Francis clarified that piety is often misunderstood and confused as pity. “However,” he said ,

“piety is not having compassion for someone, having pity for one’s neighbor but indicates our belonging to God and our profound bond with Him. This bond gives meaning to the whole of our life and keeps us firm, in communion with Him, in the most difficult and trying moments.”

He stressed that there are two aspects of piety. First is a bond with the Lord which is not intended as a duty or an imposition. The bond comes from within. Pope Francis explained that it is a relation lived with the heart: it is our friendship with God, given to us by Jesus: a friendship that changes our life and fills us with enthusiasm and joy.

Pope Francis continued:

“When the Holy Spirit makes us perceive the presence of the Lord and all his love for us, He warms our heart and moves us almost naturally to prayer and to celebration,”


The pope stated that the second point of piety makes us grow in relationship and communion with God and leads us to live as his children, helping us to pass this love on to others, recognizing them as our brothers.

Distinguishing piety from pity, Pope Francis stressed that pity does not motivate the faithful in their relationships and encounters.

“Why do I say not to pity? Why do some people think that having compassion is close your eyes, make a face like a little picture, pretend to be a saint,” he said. “This is not the gift of piety.”

Rather, he said,

“piety  means to be truly capable of rejoicing with those in joy, to weep with those who weep, to welcome and help those who are in need.”

Pope Francis noted the very close relation between the gift of piety and meekness, he said piety “makes us meek, it makes us tranquil, patient, in peace with God, and at the service of others with meekness.” Meekness is one of the beatitudes.

Recalling Paul’s Letter to the Romans: “All who are led by the Spirit of God ,these are sons of God, and ye have not received a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit adopted as children, by whom we cry, ‘Abba, Father. ‘” The Apostle Paul’s words still apply to faithful today, he stressed.

The Pope concluded his homily with an invitation. He asked the faithful to ask the Lord that the gift of his Spirit conquer our fear, our uncertainties, also our restless, impatient spirit, rendering us joyful witnesses of God and of his love, adoring the Lord in truth and also in the service of our neighbor, with meekness and with the smile that the Holy Spirit always gives us in joy.


This article was originally posted on June 5, 2014



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Elizabeth of Schoenna, Feast Day June 18

St. Elizabeth of Schoenna
St. Elizabeth of Schoenna

The feast day of St. Elizabeth of Schoenna is celebrated on June 18.

St. Elizabeth was born in 1129 in Bonn, Germany. She was raised in a monastery and at the age of twelve entered a Benedictine Monastery. She made her profession in 1147 and became superioress of the Benedictine Nuns in 1157.

Elizabeth often had visions and ecstasies which occurred on Holy Days and Sundays. She wrote down her visions and after her death in 1165, the material was published by her brother Egbert who was a priest. The church has not examined her work and has not given an opinion.

Although she has never been formally canonized her name has been entered in the Roman martyrology.

To be ignorant of the Scriptures is to be ignorant of Christ.

Quote of St. Jerome; Feast day September 30


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Albert Chmielowski, Feast Day June 17

St. Albert Public Domain Image
St. Albert Chmielowski

The feast day of St. Albert is celebrated on June 17.

St. Albert was born into a wealthy family on August 29, 1845 in Iglomia, Poland , which is near Krakow in 1945. He was the oldest of four children. He was active in politics as a young man. During the war against the Czar Alexander II Adam suffered from wounds which resulted in the amputation of his leg.

Adam had a great talent as an artist. He studied art in Warsaw, Munich and Paris. He was a very kind and compassionate man and decided to give up his life as an artist to join the Secular Franciscans when he returned to Krakow. He took the name Albert when he founded the Brothers of the Third Order of St. Francis, Servants of the Poor, also known as the Albertines. He also founded a community of Albertine Sisters. They organized food and shelter for the poor and homeless. St. Albert died in1916.

Pope John Paul II was inspired by St. Albert while he was serving as a priest. Pope John Paul was active in theater and wrote a play about St. Albert called Our God’s Brother. In 1983, Pope John Paul II beatified St. Albert. On November 12, 1989, Pope John Paul II canonized St. Albert.


You go to pray; to become a bonfire,

a living flame, giving light and heat.


Quote of St. Josemaria Escriva; Feast day June 26


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Francis Regis, Feast Day June 16

St. John Francis Regis


The feast day of St. John Francis Regis is celebrated on June 16. He was a Jesuit priest from France.

St. John Francis Regis was born into a wealthy family in southern France. He entered the Society of Jesus at age 19. After his ordination as a Jesuit priest he became a missionary working in various French towns. He would walk from town to town preaching from the heart. His speaking style was simple but poetic. He was easy to understand and his zeal attracted many people. He usually heard confessions in the morning and visited prisons and hospitals in the afternoon. His preaching missions successfully converted many people and brought others back to the faith.

St. John Francis Regis was well known for his work with at-risk women and orphans. He established safe houses and helped the unemployed find work. He led many to be trained as lace makers, giving them a stable income.

While serving on a mission in 1640, St. John Francis Regis died. He spent his last day meditating on the crucifix. His last works were:

“Into thy hand I commend my spirit”.

St. John Francis Regis was canonized in 1737. Regis Societies were formed throughout France to provide services for the poor and marginalized.


The incomparable heart of the Mother of the Redeemer  is a glorious heaven,

a paradise of delights for the Most Holy Trinity.

Quote of St. John Eudes; Feast day August 19


June is the Month of the Sacred Heart








Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Germaine Cousins, Feast Day June 15

 St. Germaine Public Domain Image

St. Germaine

The feast day of St. Germaine Cousins is celebrated on June 15. St. Gemaine was born in the small village of Pebrac, France in 1579.  Her mother died soon after her birth.  Germaine was born with a paralyzed right arm and a disease which caused abscesses around the neck.

Her father  soon remarried.  The step-mother treated her harshly, refusing to let her sleep in the house.  Germaine slept on a mattress of hay in the stable or in the cupboard under the stairs.  She was underfed being given only scraps of food and forbidden to play with her step-siblings.

At an early age, Germaine was given the chore of caring for the family sheep.  While caring for the sheep, Germaine developed a relationship with God, attending Mass whenever possible.  When she heard the nearby church bells ring, she entrusted the sheep to her guardian angel so that she could receive communion.  The sheep were always found safe on her return.

One day in the winter the village people saw the stepmother pursuing Germaine and accusing her of stealing bread and concealing it in her apron. She threatened to hit her with a stick and Germaine opened her apron.  Summer flowers fell to the ground.  After this incident the parents decided she had been touched by God and invited her to live in the house.  Germaine, however, refused.   She preferred to go on living as she had been.

One morning in 1601 she was found dead in the cupboard under the stairs at the age of 21.  After her death her body became very beautiful.  Word spread and many people  came to see the change.  She was buried in the church of Pibrac.  Forty three years later when a relative had died and was to be buried, her body was exhumed and found to be incorrupt and flexible.

St. Germaine was canonized on June 29 1867 by Pope Pius IX.


Most merciful heart, pitying heart,

loving heart of my Father and my Savior,

refuse not your help to my needy heart.

Quote of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; Feast day October 16


June is the Mont of the Sacred Heart

