Category Archives: 14 Helpers

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Barbara, Feast Day Dec. 4

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Barbara, Feast Day Dec. 4

The feast day of St. Barbara is celebrated on December 4.  She is one of the Holy Helpers who are known for the healing power of prayer. She is invoked to prevent sudden death.

St. Barbara was a virgin and a martyr. She lived in Sicily in the third century.  Her father was a wealthy Syrian.  When his wife died he devoted himself to his only daughter.  Because Barbara was so beautiful, her father (Dioscorus) decided he needed to protect her from strangers and built her a tower.  She was educated by pagan tutors.

From the tower, Barbara had a wonderful view of the meadows, hills and river.  She developed a spirituality which focused on the beauty of creation by our creator.  She also decided to devote herself to God and to remain a virgin.  Because of her beauty she had many suitors, but she refused to marry.

Barbara’s father wanted her to marry, so he decided to let her come down from the tower and socialize.  Barbara became friends with some Christians. While her father was away she was baptized after being instructed in the faith by a priest.

At the time, a bathhouse was being built on their property.  It had two windows.  Barbara requested a third window to create a trinity of light.  Barbara traced the sign of the cross on one of the walls and it left an imprint on the marble.  The water in the bathhouse  became known for its healing power.

When her father returned from his traveling, he was furious to learn Barbara had converted to Christianity.  He became enraged and almost struck her with a sword.  Barbara fled into the hills and hid in a cave.  She was eventually found and severely beaten.  She was then turned over to the city prefect.  Barbara was then tortured and had her wounds rubbed with a hair cloth.  During the night, after praying for relief, Jesus appeared to her and healed them.  The next day she was beaten again.  A woman in the crown named Juliana denounced the torturers and she was also seized and tortured.

Barbara and Juliana were both tortured and paraded through town naked.  An angel appeared after hearing Barbara’s prayers and gave them splendid robes.  Both Barbara and Juliana were beheaded.   St. Barbara was beheaded by her own father.  Immediately, after the execution, he was struck by lightning.

The relics of St. Barbara were moved in the sixth century to Constantinople.  Six hundred years later they were moved to Kiev.

St. Barbara is known for protecting against sudden death.


“Keep a clear eye toward life’s end. Do not forget your purpose and destiny as God’s creature. What you are in his sight is what you are and nothing more. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing that you have received…but only what you have given; a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage.”

Quote of St. Francis of Assisi   Feast Day Oct. 4


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Denis and Companions, Feast Day October 9

St. Denis
St. Denis


The feast day of St. Denis and Companions is celebrated on October 9.  St. Denis is the patron saint of France and against headaches.

St. Denis was born and raised in Italy.  He is also known as St. Dionysius.  He was sent to Gaul by Pope St. Clement.  He is probably the first Bishop of Paris.  St. Denis was martyred along with two companions according to the writings of St. Gregory of Tours.  His companions are believed to be St. Rustreus and St. Eleutherius, a priest and deacon.  They were beheaded with a sword under the persecution of Emperor Valerius in 258.   The head of St. Denis was carried into the nearby village before their bodies were thrown into the Seine River.  St. Denis body was recovered and a chapel was built over his tomb.

St. Denis is one of the 14 helpers who were invoked in the middle ages against the Black Plaque.  It is for this reason he became the patron saint against headaches.


Remember that this life is short, and that eternity is very long.

Quote of Bl. Susanna Araki Chabyoye


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Erasmus (St. Elmo), Feast Day June 2

Martyrdom of St. Erasmos Public Domain Image
Martyrdom of St. Erasmus


The feast day of St. Erasmus (also known as St. Elmo), is celebrated on June 2. He is the patron saint of sailors and against intestinal troubles.

St. Erasmus lived in Italy. He is also known as St. Elmo. He served as the Bishop of Formiae, Campagna, Italy and was martyred during the persecutions of Christians by Diocletan.

Trying to flee the persecutions St. Elmo fled to Mt. Lebanon and lived in solitude for a time. When he was found, he was tortured and imprisoned. Because he refused to deny his faith he was scourged and cast into boiling oil, sulfur and pitch. He was miraculously saved from harm. According to legend and angel led him to freedom.

After escaping prison he converted many with his preaching and miracles. A second time he was captured, imprisoned and tortured. Again, an angel led him to freedom.  During his torture he had hot iron hooks struck into his intestines. He survived these wounds which is why he is invoked for intestinal problems.

St. Elmo is also the patron saint of sailors. A blue light appears at mastheads before and after a storm; the seamen took it as a sign of St. Erasmus’s protection. This became known as St. Elmo’s Fire.

St. Elmo died was martyred in 303. He was tortured and disemboweled.

St. Elmo is considered one of the 14 Helpers. These fourteen saints are considered very effective in their ability to intercede in times of trouble, especially matters of health.


Nothing unites us so intimately

to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ

as does the cross.

Quote of St. Margaret Mary; Feast day October 17

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.