Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Boste, Feast Day July 24

St. John Boste

St. John Boste is one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.  Their feast day is celebrated together on October 25.   The Feast Day of St. John Boste is celebrated on July 24, the anniversary of his death.

St. John Boste was born in Dufton Westmoreland in 1544.  He attended Queen’s College, Oxford.  He became the first headmaster to serve under Queen Elizabeth l.  He converted to Catholicism and was received into the Church in 1576.  After leaving England he was ordained a priest in Rheims in 1581.

St. John Boste returned to England as a missionary priest.  He evaded arrest for ten years.  After a betrayal, he was finally arrested.  He was found hiding behind a fireplace after celebrating a forbidden Mass.  He was taken to the Tower of London and interrogated on the rack.  He was then hung, drawn and quartered while reciting the Angelus prayer.


My function is to invade souls, not to meddle in temporal invasions.

Quote of St. John Boste


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Bridget of Sweden, Feast Day July 23

St. Bridget of Sweden by Heliga Birgitta Public Domain Image
St. Bridget of Sweden   by Heliga Birgitta       

The feast day of St. Bridget of Sweden is celebrated on July 23. St. Bridget of Sweden was born on June 14, 1303. She was the daughter of Berger Persson and wife, Ingeborg. Her family was wealthy, pious, and went on long pilgrimages to the Holy Land.  St. Bridget of Sweden is  the patron of Sweden, Europe, and widows.

At the age of ten her mother died. Her sister Kathleen, infant brother Israel, and Bridget were sent to her maternal aunt for education and care. As a young child Bridget had a vivid dream vision of The Man of Sorrows. When she asked who had done this to him He responded,

“All those who despise my love.”

This dream vision left an indelible mark on her.

She married early, as was the custom, at 13 years old to Ulf Gudransson. They had eight children, four sons and four daughter. The newly married King of Sweden asked her to be a Lady in waiting and teach the young queen the language and customs of her new country.

St. Bridget became a widow when she was 41 years old when her husband died of severe illness. She prayed for guidance, after which she founded a new religious order (The Brigitta’s), mainly for women. She reported many visions and revelations, some which can be found in the “Fifteen Prayers of St. Bridget”.

In August, 1370, Pope Urban V confirmed the Rule of her congregation. Bridget made earnest representations to Pope Urban, urging the removal of the Holy See from Avignon back to Rome.

In 1349 she journeyed to Rome where she stayed until she died in 1373.


My Lord Jesus Christ, Your blessed, royal, and magnificent heart

could never, by torments or terrors or blandishments, be swayed,

from the defense of Your kingdom of truth and justice.

Quote of St. Bridget of Sweden.


July is the Month of the Precious Blood.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Mary Magdalene, Feast Day July 22

St. Mary Magdalene Bartoolome Esteban Public Domain Image
St. Mary Magdalene
Bartoolome Esteban

The feast day of St. Mary Magdalene is celebrated on July 22.  She is the patron of penitent sinners.

Mary Magdalene is well known from the gospel account of Jesus casting out seven demons from her.(Luke 8:2)   She experienced great sorrow for her sins and became a devoted follower of Christ.

Because of her sorrow, she anointed Christ with her tears and dried His feet with her hair. Mary Magdalene is present at many of the important times in the life of Jesus. Mary Magdalene was one of the women present at the time of His crucifixion. She is the one who discovered His body missing from the tomb. She is honored by being the first person Christ appeared to after His Resurrection.

Each of us has sin in our lives. Whatever that sin is, we can turn to Jesus as Mary Magdalene did… with sincere sorrow… and become true disciples of Jesus. Only if we confide in Jesus in our sorrow and our joy can we truly call Jesus our ‘friend’.

Mary Magdalene reported seeing Jesus after the resurrection  by exclaiming to the other followers…

“I have seen the Lord!”

July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Feast Day July 21

St. Lawrence of Brindisi
St. Lawrence of Brindisi

The feast day of St. Lawrence of Brindisi is celebrated on July 21. He was born on July 21, 1559 in Brindisi , Italy. His baptismal name was Julius Caesar. He was adventurous as a child but knew from an early age that he had a religious calling. When his father died at the age of twelve he went to Venice where he studied with the conventual Franciscans. He was accepted into the Capuchin Order and eventually became a priest. He worked as a diplomat and as a missionary.

St. Lawrence of Brindisi was fluent in five languages. He was Master General of his Order from 1602-1605. He was known for his eloquent preaching. He reformed the monasteries and taught theology. St. Lawrence was known for many miraculous healings. He healed a blind man and cured a paralyzed woman. His sermons have been compiled into 15 volumes.

On July 22, 1619 St. Lawrence died of natural causes. He was canonized by Pope Leo XIII on Dec. 8, 1881. St Lawrence of Brindisi is a Doctor of the Church.


The crucifix alone
teaches one the worth
of a single human soul.

Quote of St. Pierre Henri Dorie; Feast day September 20.

July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Joseph Barsabas, Feast Day July 20

St. Joseph Barsabas
St. Joseph Barsabas

St. Joseph Barsabas was a follower and disciple of Christ.  In the Acts of the Apostles  St. Matthias was chosen over him to replace Judas after the crucifixion.

St. Joseph Barsabas, is also known as Barsabbas and Joseph the Just.  He is considered one of the 72 disciples sent out by Our Lord. (Luke 10:1)

He spread the good news of the resurrection after the crucifixion.


Why climb the mountains or go down into the valleys of the world looking for Him who dwells within us.

Quote of St. Augustine;  Feast Day August 28


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood


Prayers, Quips and Quotes; St. Macrina the Younger, Feast Day July 19

St. Macrina the Younger
St. Macrina the Younger

The feast day of St. Macrina the Younger is celebrated on July 19.  She was born into a family of saints during the year 327 in Cesarea.  Her grandparents were martyrs.  Her grandmother was St. Macrina the Elder.  Her parents Basil the Elder and Emmelia are both saints.

Macrina’s mother taught her to read and educated her.  Macrina in turn taught her brothers to read.    Her brothers were St. Basil and St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Peter of Sebastea.

At the age of twelve, Macrina became engaged to marry.  Her fiance died suddenly and she then decided to remain single.  She helped her mother raise her brothers as well as helping her mother run the household.

When Macrina’s father died, both Macrina and her mother consecrated themselves to a life of prayer and contemplation.

St. Macrina died  a peaceful death in 371 holding the crucifix which she always had near her.


My life is an instant, an hour which passed by.

My life is a moment which I have no power to stay.

You know, O my God, that to love you here on earth…

I have only today.

Quote of St. Therese of Lisieux


July is the Month of the the Most Precious Blood






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