Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Veronica, Feast Day July 12

St. Veronica Public Domain Image
St. Veronica

The feast day of St. Veronica is celebrated on July 12.

St. Veronica is the patron saint of photographers. Little is known about Veronica. She was a follower of Jesus and present during his crucifixion. While Jesus carried the cross, she was moved with compassion. She knelt in front of Jesus and used her veil to wipe his face clean. Her kindness is commemorated on the sixth station of the cross prayed by the church. The soldiers pushed Veronica away and she later discovered the imprint of Christ’s face on her veil. It is believed that Veronica left her veil in the care of Pope Clement I, the successor to St. Peter. The veil known as Veronica’s Veil is on display at St.Peter’s Basilica.

The name Veronica means “true image”.

St. Veronica
St. Veronica

We are nothing without God…

but if we put our lives in God’s hands,

miracles happen.

Quote of St. Teresa of Calcutta; Feast day September 5




July is the Month of the  Most Precious Blood..



Prayers, Quips and Quotes; St. Benedict, Feast Day July 11


St. Benedict Public Domain Image
St. Benedict
Public Domain Image

The feast day of St. Benedict is celebrated on July 11. In the Eastern Church it is celebrated on March 14th.

St. Benedict was born in Nursia in 480 to upper class parents. He attended university in Rome. To escape the vice he was surrounded by he fled Rome and spent three years in seclusion. After these three years he founded the monasteries he is famous for.

St. Benedict is considered the founder of western monasticism. His monasteries were based on the principles in his book The Rule of Benedict. This book begins with this prologue: “Listen carefully, my son, to the masters’ instructions and attend to them with the ear of your heart. (R.B. Prologue)”

His rule begins with the word LISTEN! The monasteries have a very strict discipline. They

St. Benedict Public Domain Image
St. Benedict
Public Domain Image

focus on daily personal and liturgical prayer. Singing of the Psalms and reading the Divine Office is practiced daily. Listening to the word of God is the primary focus of their spirituality. Lectio Divino is slow reading and meditation on the scripture. Benedictine spirituality also demands obedience, hospitality, and service.

St. Benedict died while standing in prayer before God in the year 547. St. Benedict is the patron saint of students and Europe.



Shatter all your temptations against Christ.

Quote of St. Benedict

July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood.





Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions, Feast Day July 10

Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions
Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions

The feast day of Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions is celebrated on July 10.

Emmanuel was born in Santander, Spain. He became a Franciscan priest serving as a missionary in Damascus during a time of great persecution.

During the massacre which occurred in 1860 thousands of victims were tortured and died. The villages of Lebanon were pillaged and burned. The massacre began with a quarrel between a Maronite and Druse. When a crowd came looking for them, Emmanuel and his companions refused to renounce their faith and become Muslims. Emmanuel, his supervisor and seven others were tortured and martyred.

Bl. Emmanuel was beatified in 1926 by Pope Pius XI.


Love seeks one thing only…

the good of the one loved.

It leaves all the other secondary

effects to take care of themselves.

Love therefore, is its own reward.

Quote of Thomas Merton


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood.



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Veronica Giuliani, Feast Day July 9

St. Veronica Giuliani Public Domain Image
St. Veronica Giuliani

The feast day of St. Veronica Giuliani is celebrated on July 9.

St. Veronica was born in Mercatello, Italy in 1660. She was the youngest of seven children. Her mother died when she was seven. Even as a child she had a great compassion for the poor. She was known to give away food and her clothing. At the age of 17, she refused to marry. After pleading with her father, she joined the Poor Clares in 1677. She worked in the kitchen, infirmary and sacristy.

St. Veronica had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart and to the Eucharist. She offered her sufferings to the missions. She was known as a mystic. After a vision in which she saw her own heart as a ‘heart of steel’ she became much more compassionate and loving.

At the age of 34 St. Veronica became the novice mistress. She held the position for twenty two years. In 1697, at the age of 37, Veronica received the stigmata. She bore the marks of the crown of thorns and five wounds on her body. She underwent a humiliating investigation during which she was temporarily removed from her position. The investigation concluded the stigmata was real and she regained her position of novice mistress. She became the abbess at the age of 56.  Eleven years later she died on July 9, 1727.

The body of St. Veronica was found to be incorrupt. She was canonized by Pope Gregory XVI on May 26, 1839.


We must fight our battle between fear and hope

in the knowledge that hope is always the stronger

because He who comes to our help is almighty.

Quote of St. Francis de Sales; Feast day June 24.


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood.



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Eugene III, Feast Day July 8

Bl. Eugene III Public Domain Image
Bl. Eugene III

The feast day of Bl. Eugene III is celebrated on July 8. He served as the Bishop of Rome from 1145-1153. He was the first Cistercian Pope. Little is know about his early life. Bl. Eugene was ordained a priest by Pope Innocent II. St. Bernard of Clairvaux led him into the Cistercian Order in 1138. He became the abbot of the monastery of S. Anastasio aale Tre Fontance outside of Rome.

The election of Bl. Eugene III as the Bishop of Rome took place in 1145. Because of the turmoil of the times which was during the Crusades Bl. Eugene was unable to live in Rome. He lived in Viterbo, Siena, and France. He actively reformed the church. Three synods were held while he was Pope; Paris (1149), Tier (1147-1148) and Rheims (1148) The synods focused on reforming the clerical life.

Bl. Eugene III died on July 8, 1153 in Tivoli, Italy. He was recognized as a pious and meek man. Pope Pius X beatified him in 1872.


Time is a treasure of inestimable value,

because in every moment of time we may gain

an increase of grace and eternal glory.

Quote of St. Alphonsus Liguori; Feast day August 1


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Peter To Rot, Feast Day July 7

Bl. Peter To Rot Public Domain Image
Bl. Peter To Rot
Public Domain Image

The feast day of Bl. Peter To Rot is celebrated on July 7.   Peter was born in 1912 in Rakunai which today is Papua, New Guinea.  The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus taught Peter while he was young. At the age of 18 Peter became a student at St. Paul’s College to become a catechist. His prayer life and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament grew. After three years he was asked to return to Rakunai to teach. He was the youngest catechist at the age of 21. He also visited the sick.

St. Peter To Rot married and had six children. In 1941 the war came to Rakunai and the Japanese invaded their country. The missionaries were sent to prison camp.  When the priest, Father Laufer was taken he left Peter in charge asking him to look after the people and not to let them forget about God. Peter willingly accepted the challenge. He visited the sick and prayed with those who were dying. He taught both the children and the adults. He told the people,

“This is a very bad time for us and we are all afraid. But God our Father is with us and looking after us. We must pray and ask him to stay with us always.”

When the bombing increased they decided it would be safer to meet in small groups,. They met in caves to pray. When the Japanese began to lose the war they forbid the people from praying. They threatened them with imprisonment.

Peter continued to lead the people in prayer. The Japanese encouraged men to take a second wife.  Peter objected to this and insisted that the people follow the Churches teaching on marriage. He protected several women from being forced to become a second wife. When the Japanese learned of all that Peter To Rot was doing they arrested him. They searched the caves and his home. They took his books, Bible and crucifixes. His two brothers were also arrested. He was sentenced to two months in prison. He was not, however, released.  He was murdered while he was in prison.  It is believed he was poisoned with cyanide.

Peter To Rot was buried in the new cemetery next to the church he had served. He is considered a martyr for his faith.

Bl. Peter To Rot was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1995.


“The Japanese cannot stop us loving God and obeying laws! We must be strong and we must refuse to give in to them.”


Quote of Bl. Peter To Rot



July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood














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