Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Maria Goretti, Feast Day July 6

St. Maria Goretti Public Domain Image
St. Maria Goretti

The feast day of St. Maria Goretti is celebrated on July 6. St. Maria Goretti is the patron saint of rape victims, purity, chastity,  forgiveness, and youth.  She was the third of six children; having two sisters and three brothers. St. Maria Goretti died a martyr after an attempted rape and being stabbed to death.

Maria was born in Ancona, Italy on Oct. 16, 1890. Her father died of malaria when she was six years old, leaving her family very poor. They moved to Le Ferriere.

On July 5, 1902, she was sitting on her front steps, sewing and babysitting when her eighteen old neighbor, Alexander, attempted to rape her. She began screaming…

“No! It is a sin! God does not want it!”

After choking Maria, she still refused to submit to him, preferring to die. He then stabbed her eleven times. Maria tried to escape but Alexander then stabbed her three more times before running away. Maria was found bleeding and was taken to the hospital. Maria forgave Alexander before she died as she lay in a hospital bed.

Alexander was captured shortly after she died. Because he was a minor he was not sentenced to life in prison. He received a sentence of thirty years. He was unrepentant until he had a dream. In the dream, Maria appeared to him in a garden. She gave him flowers.

After 27 years in prison, he was released. Alexander went directly to Maria’s mother begging forgiveness. Her mother said,

“If my daughter can forgive him who am I to withhold forgiveness.”

All three of Maria’s brothers claimed to have had the intervention of St. Maria in their lives. Angelo heard a voice telling him to immigrate to America. Sandrino miraculously received money to finance his own immigration to join Angelo. Mariano heard a voice telling him to remain in his trench while fighting in World War I.

Maria was canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius compared her to ‘St. Agnes of the 20th century’. Both her mother and Alexander attended the ceremony to celebrate her canonization.

Prayer to St. Maria Goretti

Oh Saint Maria Goretti who, strengthened by God’s grace, did not hesitate even at the age of twelve to shed your blood and sacrifice life itself to defend your virginal purity, look graciously on the unhappy human race which has strayed far from the path of eternal salvation. Teach us all, and especially youth,with what courage and promptitude we should flee for the love of Jesus anything that could offend Him or stain our souls with sin. Obtain for us from our Lord victory in temptation, comfort in the sorrows of life, and the grace which we earnestly beg of thee (here insert intention), and may we one day enjoy with thee the imperishable glory of Heaven. Amen

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He loves, He hopes, He waits,

Our Lord prefers to wait, Himself,

for the sinner….

rather than keep us waiting for an instant.

Quote of St. Maria Goretti


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood











Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Anthony Zaccaria, Feast Day July 5

St. Anthony Zaccaria Public Domain Image
St. Anthony Zaccaria

The feast day of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria is celebrated on July 5.


St. Anthony of Zaccaria is known for beginning the devotion of Eucharistic adoration and founding the religious order of the Society of Clerics.

St. Anthony was born in Cremona, Italy in 1502 into a noble family. His father died when he was still an infant. His mother was 18 and chose to devote herself to charity and caring for her son. Anthony studied philosophy in Pavia and then medicine at the University of Padua. He returned to Cremona with a degree at the age of 23.


St. Anthony not only practiced medicine, he taught catechism and then began teaching adults. Eventually he decided to study for the priesthood. He was ordained at the age of 26. At his first Mass, he experienced the presence of angels around the altar and supernatural light during the consecration of the Eucharist. Many witnessed and testified about this event after his death.


St. Anthony was an eloquent preacher. It was the time of the counter-reformation which was begun after Martin Luther began the Reformation.  He founded a priestly society the Clerics Regular of St. Paul  to combat  the  corruption which surrounded him. They were inspired by the Apostle Paul and sought humility, poverty and preaching. Their society became known as the Barnabites named after the companion of St Paul…St. Barnabas. They were active at a well known church named St. Barnabas.

St. Anthony encouraged the “40 hours” devotion which involved continuous prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.


St. Anthony died at his mother’s house in 1539 after he became seriously ill. He was only 36 years old. Thirty years after his death St. Anthony’s body was found to be incorrupt. He was canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1897.



Jesus is happy to come with us…
as truth is to be spoken, as life is to be lived,
as light is to be lit, as love is to be loved,
as joy is to be given, as peace is to be spread.

Quote of St. Francis of Assisi; Feast day Oct. 4


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood







Forgiveness and Trust

Sacred Heart of Jesus Public Domain Image
Sacred Heart of Jesus










Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Feast Day July 4

St. Elizabeth of Portugal Public Domain Image
St. Elizabeth of Portugal


The feast day of St. Elizabeth of Portugal is celebrated on July 4. She was a Spanish princess who was named after her great aunt St. Elizabeth of Hungary. At the age of twelve, she married King Denis of Portugal who was 26 years old. She was a very beautiful queen, but she was also very devout. She attended Mass daily.

St. Elizabeth’s marriage was a difficult one. The king did not share her pious beliefs. He was also very jealous. His jealousy of one of the pages resulted in an attempt to have the page murdered. The attempt failed, however another page was mistakenly killed instead. This event changed the King’s attitude. He apologized to everyone for what had happened. He began to treat his wife with more respect. She cared for him until his death.

For eleven years after the death of the king,  Queen Elizabeth did works of charity. She joined the monastery of Poor Clare Nuns, becoming a member of The Third order of St. Francis. As a Poor Clare Nun she served the poor and the sick rather than having the servants usually bestowed upon a queen.


“In humility is perfect freedom.”

Quote of Thomas Merton


July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood





Are You a Doubting Thomas?

Doubting Thomas Painting by Caravaggio Public Domain Image
Doubting Thomas Painting by Caravaggio

Most of us have times in our lives when we can relate well to doubting Thomas. He is known for stating his disbelief. After Jesus appeared to the other Apostles, Thomas said he needed to see for himself the wounds of Christ before he would believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. After Jesus showed him his wounds Jesus stated,

“Blessed are those who have not seen, but believe.

Thomas is not afraid to question. When Jesus tells the Apostles that they will follow him, Thomas questions Him;

“How can we follow you, when we know not where you are going?”

Jesus answered him by telling him,

“I am the way the truth and the life, whoever follows me will live forever.

Today (July 3) is the feast of St. Thomas. In the Catholic Church we celebrate in mass worldwide the life and faith of St. Thomas. We reflect on how he led his life and followed Jesus. When we have questions, we should not be afraid to ask Jesus to answer them. When we are not sure about our faith, it is a good thing to ask Jesus to lead us to Him.

Many people do not have faith today and do not know how to find God. Perhaps they are looking for God as a scientist would… under a microscope. Spirituality is not found under a microscope. Being unafraid to ask God questions can lead us closer to Him.

Remember when we were little children? The questions were many. What? Why? Where? How? When?

Asking God directly to enlighten us to the truth may actually have results.
One of my favorite prayers is a simple one.

“Lead me, Lord!”

May we all be led closer to God as we pray through our doubts.

St. Thomas pray for us.





Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Thomas the Apostle, Feast Day July 3


St. Thomas the Apostle Public Domain Image
St. Thomas the Apostle


The feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle is celebrated on July 3. Thomas was also called Didymus which means twin. St. Thomas is the patron saint of India and architects.

Thomas the Apostle was known for questioning things. He was not afraid to ask questions or state his disbelief. Jesus treated him with love and compassion.

St. Thomas was also known as “Doubting Thomas”. After the resurrection Jesus appeared to the Apostles. Thomas was not there and did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. When Jesus later appeared to him he saidPeace be with you. Do not doubt but believe.” (John 21:24) St. Thomas also asked Jesus “How can we follow you, when we know not where you are going?” Jesus responded, “I am the way, the truth and the life. Whoever follows me will live forever.”

Thomas was one of the original twelve apostles. He was present at the Last Supper. He was also present when Jesus had the Apostles lower their nets and they miraculously caught many fish. After the resurrection, St. Thomas was sent to evangelize the Parthians, the Persians and India. He is believed to have built the first church in India. St. Thomas died a martyr’s death when at Calamine in India he was speared to death while praying.


My Lord and my God!

Quote of St. Thomas the Apostle


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