The feast day of St. Bibiana is celebrated on December 2. She was a virgin and a martyr in the year 361.
St. Bibiana was born in Rome. Her father was a knight, whose name was Flavian. Her mother’s name was Dafrosa. When Apronianus was named the Governor of Rome he persecuted the Christians mercilessly. Flavian was arrested and tortured. He fled into exile where he died from his wounds. Bibiana’s mother, Dafrosa, was beheaded.
Bibiana and her sister Demetria were robbed of all their possessions leaving them in poverty. They did however, stay in their house, spending much time in prayer.
They were summoned by Apronianus. Demetria confessed her Faith and then fell dead at the governors feet. Bibiana was given to a woman named Rufina who tortured her unsuccessfully. Apronianus ordered her to be tied to a pillar and beaten with scourges laden with lead plummets until she died. St. Bibiana endured the torture with joy until her death.
Two days later, a priest buried her next to her mother and sister. A church was built over her grave.
I believe Lord, but let me believe more firmly.
I hope Lord, but let me hope more surely.
I love, Lord, but let me love more warmly.
I repent Lord, but let me repent more deeply.
Quote of St. Antony Claret; Feast day October 24
December is the Month of the Divine Infancy