The feast day of St. John Oglivie is celebrated on March 10.
St. John Oglivie was born in 1579 to noble parents in Scotland. He was raised a Calvinist. He became interested in the debate between the Protestants and the Catholics and turned to the scripture for guidance.
Two verses stood out to him:
“God wills all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (I Timothy 2:4);
“Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you.” (Mat ll:28).
He had a great admiration of the martyrs of the faith. St. John Oglivie converted to the Catholic faith when he was 17. His early studies were with the Benedictines. He attended the Jesuit College at Olmutz. The Jesuits are also known as the Society of Jesus.
St. John Oglivie was ordained a Jesuit priest in Paris in 1610. He requested to serve in Scotland. He went to Scotland, then returned. He also went to London, Paris and then back to Scotland. He was very successful in converting people to the faith. Eventually however, he was betrayed and arrested. He was tortured in an attempt to make him reveal the names of other Catholics. He refused to do so.
St. John Oglivie was tried for the treason of converting Protestants to the faith. He stood trial three times. In 1615, he was hanged at Glasgow at the age of 36. Just before he was hanged, St. John tossed his Rosary beads into the crowd. They were caught by a Calvinist nobleman who later became a Catholic. He credited his conversion to the incident and the martyr’s beads.
St. John Oglivie was canonized in 1976.
Lord, give me patience in tribulation.
Quote of St. Thomas More; Feast day June 22
March is the Month of St. Joseph