
Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Paul II, Feast Day October 22

St. John Paul II Public Domain Image
St. John Paul II


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Paul II,

Feast Day October 22

The feast day of St. John Paul II is celebrated on October 22.  He is the patron saint of youth.

Karol Jozef Wajtyla (pronounced Voy-tee-ya) was born to Karol and Emilia Wojtyla in Wodowice, Poland on May18, 1920. His mother died when he was nine years old. His sister Olga died before he was born. His brother Edmond, a doctor, died when he was twelve. He was very close to his father, who raised him. When he was 21, his father died, leaving him alone, with no family.

Young Karol studied drama in Krakow’s Jagiellonian University. The university closed due to the Nazi occupation in 1939. In 1942, he had a call to the priesthood. He studied in an underground seminary in Krakow. At the same time he also was a member of the underground “Rhapsodic Theater”.

Karol was ordained on November 1, 1946. He was sent to Rome where he finished his doctorate in theology with a thesis on the works of St. John of the Cross, a Carmelite saint

He wished to become a Carmelite priest himself. However, he was turned down twice. The first time, he was denied entry due to the war. The second time he applied, his bishop told him, he was not meant to be a contemplative (private prayer) priest, his charismatic (public prayer) talent was needed working with the public. During his early priesthood he worked as a chaplain to university students as well as vicar to several parishes.

On Jan 13, 1964 he became a Cardinal. He was a participant in the Vatican Council II (1962-1965).

On October 16, 1978, he was elected Pope. As Pope he chose the name of John Paul II. As Pope of the Catholic Church he will be remembered for many things. He established the World Youth Day Celebration. This event brought millions of young people together in a different country to celebrate their faith. In 1993, Youth Day was held in Denver, USA. In 2000 he led the celebration in Rome for the Great Jubilee year. Although unofficial, this is why he is considered the patron of youth.

As Pope he canonized many saints, including his fellow citizen Sister Faustina from Poland. John Paul II gave her Divine Mercy Devotion an official feast day, the Sunday following Easter. This devotion focuses on the mercy and forgiveness Jesus offers us.

Another Devotion John Paul II encouraged was the Rosary. The Rosary focuses on the life of Jesus. In 2002 he added a fourth set of mysteries to be meditated on which is called the Luminous Mysteries. This includes the Baptism of Jesus, The Wedding at Cana, The Institution of the Word, The Transfiguration, and The Eucharist.

In 1981 he survived an attempted assassination. He credited his devotion to Our Lady of Fatima for his survival. He publicly forgave his attacker.

John Paul II is remembered for his successful efforts to end communism, and for bringing together people of all faiths.

John Paul II died Parkinson’s disease on April 2, 2005.

John Paul II was Pope for 27 years. Many Catholics give him the title John Paul the Great, and Patron of Youth.   His message of hope often included  the message of Jesus when he stilled the water: Be Not Afraid” (Mat: 14).

He received the title of Blessed in 2000. His first miracle was the cure of Sister Marie Perre Simon who was a French nun suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is the illness John Paul II died from on April 2, 2005.  The second miracle of Pope John Paul II was the curing of a brain aneurysm of Floribeth Mora Diaz of Costa Rica.

On  Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27, 2014, Pope Francis canonized Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI con-celebrated the Mass.


Place your talents and enthusiasm at the service of life.

Quote of St. John Paul II


St. John Paul II in Art

October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Gaspar del Bufalo, Feast Day October 21

St. Gaspar del Bufalo Public Domain Image
St. Gaspar del Bufalo


The feast day of St. Gaspar del Bufalo is celebrated on October 21.  He is the founder of the Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood.

St. Gaspar was born in Rome on Jan. 6, 1786.  He was well educated in the faith by his pious mother.  At the age of two, he almost died.  It was through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier that he was cured of his illness.

At the age of 18, he organized a program to minister to the marginalized in the society.  He offered religious instruction to the poor in the area and became the catechist of orphans and poor children.  At the age of 22 he was ordained a priest.

Because St. Gaspar refused to take an oath of allegiance to Napoleon, he was exiled and imprisoned.  His response was the following:

“I would rather die or suffer evil than to take such an oath.

I cannot, I must not, I will not!”

St. Gaspar spent five years in jail for refusing to take the oath.  While imprisoned he envisioned a religious community dedicated to the precious blood of Christ.  After his release, he founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood in Giano.

When a cholera epidemic broke out in Rome St. Gaspar ministered to the victims even though he was in ill health himself.

St. Gaspar died Dec. 28, 1837.


We must let it be known how the Blood of Christ cleanses the souls and sanctifies them, particularly by means of the sacraments.

Quote of St. Gaspar del Bufalo


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Paul of the Cross, Feast Day October 20


St. Paul of the Cross Public Domain Image
St. Paul of the Cross

The feast day of St. Paul of the Cross is celebrated on October 20.

St. Paul of the Cross was born in the Ovada in the Republic of Genoa on Jan. 3, 1694.  His parents had 16 children, of whom only six survived.

When St. Paul was young he fell into a river.  He was rescued by a beautiful woman he believed to be the Blessed Virgin.

He was called to the religious life early. He had a tender devotion to Our Blessed Lady, and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. St. Paul of the Cross worked as a hospital chaplain for 21 years before founding the Passionist Order after having a vision.  In the vision, he saw himself clothed in the habit that his community would wear: a long, black robe with a white symbol stitched in the center and a white cross above a white heart that held the words, “passion of Jesus Christ.”  His brother John Baptist joined the order also.  The new community was grounded in poverty and solitude and had a mission to encourage people to meditate on the suffering and death of Jesus.

The mission of St. Paul of the Cross was to reach out to the poor and abandoned people, preaching the message of faith, compassion and loving redemption. He was a popular preacher, poet, and mystic.  He became known for miracles.  St. Paul was given supernatural gifts.  He could see into the future and heal sick people through his prayer and touch.  St. Paul of the Cross was known as a very holy man and considered a saint.

At the age of 81, St. Paul of the Cross died in Rome in the year 1775.

The universal Church feast (memorial) of St Paul of the Cross is celebrated worldwide on October 19th. In the USA it is celebrated on October 20, because of the memorial of the North American Martyrs on the 19th.


Carry a bouquet of the suffering of Jesus

on the altar of your heart.

Quote of St. Paul of the Cross


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Laura of Cordoba, Feast Day October 19

St. Laura of Cordoba
St. Laura of Cordoba


The feast day of St. Laura of Cordoba is celebrated on October 19.  She was a widow and martyr.

St. Laura lived in Spain in the ninth century.   It’s culture was primarily Muslim.  After her husband died she became a nun at Cuteclara .  She eventually became the abbess.

St. Laura is one of the 48 Martyrs of Cordoba.  She was captured and scalded to death by being placed in a vat of boiling lead.

It is You Jesus, stretched out on the cross, who gives me strength and are always close to the suffering soul.  Creatures will abandon a person in  his suffering, but You, O Lord, are  faithful.

Quote of St. Faustina


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Luke the Evangelist, Feast Day October 18


St. Luke the Evangelist Public Domain Image
St. Luke the Evangelist

The feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist is celebrated on October 18.  He is the patron saint of physicians and surgeons.

St. Luke was born in Antioch, Syria.  He did not know Jesus.  However, he converted from paganism and became a companion of St. Paul.  He accompanied him on his missions and into prison two different times.

St. Luke is the author of the third Gospel.  His gospel focuses on the merciful heart of Jesus.  We also learn about the childhood of Jesus in his Gospel.   Three canticles (hymns)  were preserved by St. Luke:  The Benedictus, the Magnificat and the Nune Dimittis (Canticle of Simeon).

Icon Painted by St. Luke Public Domain Image
Icon Painted by St. Luke

Legend tells us that St. Luke was also an artist and painted the portrait   of the Blessed Virgin.

St. Luke became the patron saint of physicians because he was a physician.

St. Luke died in Achaia (Greece) at the age of 84.  It is unknown if he was a martyr.


Virtues are formed by prayer.  Prayer preserves temperance.  Prayer suppresses anger.  Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy.  Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit and raises man to heaven.


Quote of St. Ephrem;  Feast day June 9


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Ignatius of Antioch, Feast Day October 17

St. Ignatius of Antioch Public Domain Image
St. Ignatius of Antioch

The  feast day of St. Ignatius of Antioch is celebrated on October 17.  He is known as a church father and martyr.

At birth, St. Ignatius was named Theophorus.  He became the third Bishop of Antioch in around year 70.  The Roman Emperor Dometian declared that he was ‘god’ and required homage.  Those who refused were executed.

St. Ignatius led the Christians in Antioch by encouraging prayer and fasting.   Emperor Trajan had Ignatius arrested and sent to Syria in chains to be executed.   St. Ignatius was able to dictate letters to the six local churches while imprisoned.  Most of what we know about St. Ignatius is from his writing.

St. Ignatius had a devotion to the Bless Virgin Mary.  He wrote the following:

He who is devoted to the Virgin Mother will certainly never be lost.

In the letters that survived, St. Ignatius warned of false teachers.  He focused on unity and the dangers of heresy.  He also emphasized the importance of the Eucharist and the humanity of Christ.

St. Ignatius was fed to the lions in the Amphitheater in Rome in the year 107.  His last words were:I am the wheat of the Lord.  I must be ground by the teeth of these beasts to be made the pure bread of Christ.

Quote of St. Ignatius of Antioch


October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary


