Category Archives: Faith

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Zita, Feast Day April 27

St. Zita
St. Zita


The feast day of St Zita is celebrated on April 27.  St. Zita is the patron of maidservants and housewives.

Zita was born in Tuscany, Italy in 1212. At the age of 12, she became a servant for the Fatinelli household. She was mistreated by her employees and criticized for her hard work by her fellow servants. She continued to be meek and humble and had an inward peace that everyone could see. She was good and loving to everyone regardless of how they treated her. Eventually she gained everyone’s trust and was put in charge of the house.

Zita believed that her work was assigned to her by God. She always rose early to pray before work. She attended daily mass and spent the rest of the day working tirelessly.

When Zita died at the age of 60 on April 27, 1271 it is said that a star appeared above the attic where she slept. She had served the family for 48 years. Miracles reported at the time of her death numbered 150.

In 1580, the body of Zita was exhumed and found to be incorruptible.  Her body was put on display in a silver casket, as is tradition, in the church where she had prayed while alive.  Although her body is “incorruptible,” it is browned and wizened, probably the result of a form of natural mummification. Only her hands and face are uncovered for viewing.

St. Zita was canonized in 1696.



There is no place for selfishness…and no place for fear! Do not be afraid,then, when love makes demands.  Do not be afraid when love requires sacrifice.

Quote of St. John Paul II


April is the Month of the Eucharist.


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Mark, Feast Day April 25

St. Mark the Evangelist
St. Mark the Evangelist



The feast day of St. Mark the Evangelist will be celebrated on April 25.


St. Mark was born into a Jewish family. St. Mark was one of the first disciples of Jesus. He was not one of the original twelve apostles. St. Mark is the patron saint of notaries and lawyers.

St. Mark accompanied St. Paul and Barnabas (his cousin) on their missionary journey to Cyprus. St. Mark is the author of the second gospel. This gospel is the oldest gospel and was written in Greek for Gentile converts. It is believed St. Peter requested him to write this gospel.

Much of what we know about St. Mark we have learned from tradition. It is believed that Mark is the man who carried water to the house where the Last Supper took place. It is also possible he was the man who ran away naked when Jesus was arrested (Mark 14:51-52) St. Mark is believed to have been present at the Wedding at Cana when Jesus turned the water into wine. (John 2:1-10)

When St. Peter escaped from prison he went to the home of Mark’s mother. Mark went to Alexandria to preach. He then founded the church in Alexandria.

St. Mark died a martyr, being dragged through the streets with a rope around his neck in the year 68.

The symbol of St. Mark is a winged lion. The lion represents the way the gospel should be preached. St. Mark is the patron saint of lawyers.

On the feast day of St. Mark let us pray:

O God, who exalted blessed Mark the Evangelist, by the grace of preaching the Gospel, grant that we may profit by his teaching and be defended by his prayers. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

The Bible is a letter from the Almighty God to His creatures.

Quote of St. Gregory the Great

April is the Month of the Eucharist.

St. Mark the Evangelist in Art


Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Mary Pelletier, Feast Day April 24

St. Mary Pelletier Public Domain Image
St. Mary Pelletier
Public Domain Image


The feast day of St. Mary Pelletier is celebrated on April 24.


Rose Virginie Pelletier was born on July 3l, 1796 on the island of Noirmoutier, Vendée,  off the west coast of France. She was the eighth child of Dr. Julian and Anne Pelletier.

It was wartime in France during her childhood. Her family became isolated because her father had treated an enemy soldier. As a child she was very independent but quite compassionate. Her father died when she was only ten years old. Rose was not able to attend school until the Ursuline Sisters opened a school in 1808 in Noirmoutier. While she enjoyed school she also clashed with authority. She was sent to a boarding school in 1810 where she experienced not only the loss of her freedom but loneliness. The boarding school was very strict. When her mother died in 1815 she was not told until after the funeral had taken place. She experienced profound grief.

Near the school was the convent of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge which had been founded by St. John Eudes. It provided care for women and girls who were homeless. Rose was attracted to their mission and wanted to join the convent. Both her guardian and the boarding school disapproved. Rose, however, persisted and eventually she was allowed to join on the condition she would not make her vows until she was 21. When she made her vows she took the name Sister Mary of St. Euphrasia. She carried out her mission with great enthusiasm.

The mission grew rapidly and Mary saw the need to change the governmental structure in order to deploy sisters to other countries. After much struggle her plans were approved by the Pope. She then founded the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd of Angers. They became known as the Good Shepherd Sisters.

The following quote is attributed to St. Mary Pelletier:

 It is well known that I had neither riches nor talent, nor external charm, but I always loved, and I loved with all the strength of my soul.


St. Mary Pelletier eventually established 110 new convents in six continents before her death on April 24, 1868. She was known for her fortitude, cheerfulness and her trust in God.

St. Mary Pelletier was canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1910.


It is human to fall, but angelic to rise again.


Quote of St. Mary Pelletier

April is the Month of the Eucharist.



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Cletus, Feast day April 26

St. Cletus

The feast day of St. Cletus is celebrated on April 26.

St. Cletus was a Roman by birth. He was ordained by St. Peter the Apostle. He served as the third bishop of Rome, succeeding St. Linus who followed St. Peter. According to tradition, Pope Cletus divided Rome into 25 parishes. Records show that he ordained 25 priests.

The name Cletus means “one who has been called”. Pope Cletus served as pope for twelve years before he was martyred in the year 92 during the persecutions of Domitian. His relics are buried near St. Linus in St. Peter’s Basilica.


The humility of our divine Savior and His most blessed Mother was always accompanied by a perfect obedience.

Quote of St. Francis de Sales; Feast day Jan. 24


April is the Month of the Eucharist.



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Giles of Assisi, Feast Day April 23

The feast day of St. Giles of Assisi is celebrated on April 23.

St. Giles was born in Assisi, Italy in 1190. He became one of the earliest followers of St. Francis of Assisi. He accompanied St. Francis on many missions. He visited the Tomb of the Apostle James in Spain and the holy city of Jerusalem. He also visited the sanctuary of the Holy Archangel Michael in Italy. During his travels, St. Giles earned his room and board by chopping firewood, sweeping rooms, washing dishes and other manual labor. He considered labor an opportunity for joy and purification. St. Giles encouraged penance and love of God.

St. Giles was known for his spiritual advice. His Franciscan spirituality is reflected in the many sayings that are collected in a book titled “The Golden Sayings”. St. Giles is referred to as one of the Little Flowers of St. Francis.

St. Francis also referred to him as his “Knight of the Round Table.” The life of St. Giles showed his spirituality. As St. Giles once said:

“The word of God does not belong to him who hears or speak it, but to him who puts it into practice.”

At the great chapter of 4,000 brothers, St. Francis sent Giles to Africa in 1219 with companions to preach the gospel. It never succeeded. As soon as they arrived in Africa, the Christians there led them to a different ship which returned them to Italy. After his return he lived in the convent in Perugia until his death by natural causes in 1262.


Whoever gives up prayer because of difficulties is like a man who runs away from battle.

Quote of St. Giles of Assisi


April is the Month of the Eucharist.







Pope Francis Explains Community of Saints to Crowd of 80,000

Pope Francis Facebook Image
Pope Francis Facebook Image

More than 80,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s Square Wednesday morning to listen to the teachings of Pope Francis as he spoke for his General Audience, according to Zenit News Agency. He focused on the Catholic belief in the Communion of Saints. (October 30, 2013)

Pope Francis stated that the Communion of Saints relates both to the communion with holy things and the communion with holy persons. The Holy Father stated that no one is alone but rather exists in a communion with all who belong to Christ.

“The Church,” Pope Francis said, “in its most profound truth is a communion with God. This relation between Jesus and the Father is the ‘matrix’ of the bond between us Christians: if we are intimately inserted into this ‘matrix’ in this fiery furnace of love that is the Trinity, then we can become truly one heart and one soul, because the love of God purges our selfishness, our prejudices, our internal and external divisions.”  He also stated that our faith needs support from others during difficult moments.
Pope Francis told the crowd that within the communion of saints exists a great family where each one helps and sustains the other.

“A final aspect of the communion of Saints,” he continued, “is the spiritual bond that exists between those who continue their pilgrimage on earth and those who have passed the threshold of death into eternity. All who are baptized down here on earth, the souls in Purgatory, and all the blessed already in Paradise form one big family.”

“This communion between heaven and earth is realized especially through intercessory prayer,” he concluded.

Pope Francis called it the ‘highest form of solidarity’ as well as the foundation of the liturgical celebrations of All Saints and All Souls, which will be celebrated on Nov. 1, and Nov. 2. 

This article was originally published on October 30, 2013.
