The feast day of St. John Alcober is celebrated on December 30. He was a Dominican Priest, a missionary to China and a Martyr of the Church.
St. John Alcober was born in Granada.in 1694. He entered the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans, in 1709. When marooned for a time on Lorca, he became popular there as a preacher. He reached China in 1728 where he was a missionary for sixteen years. His ministry was done in secret. St. John is considered one of the Martyrs of China.
He, along with Francis Serrano and Father Francis Diaz, was tortured to disclose the location of Bishop Pere Sans Jorda and Father Joachim Royo, who surrendered to stop the torture.
St. John Alcober, St. Francis Serrano, St. Joachim Royo, and St. Francis Diaz were all martyred on October 18, 1739.
“The prayer of a good innocent,
and obedient child is like dew
from heaven falling upon
his whole family.”
Quote of St. John XXIII; Feast Day October 11
December is the Month of the Divine Infancy