Tag Archives: December Feast Days

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Nicholas, Feast Day December 6


St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas

The feast day of St. Nicholas is celebrated on December 6.  He is the patron saint of children, sailors, and bakers.  He served as the Bishop of Myra.

St. Nicholas was born in the fourth century in Patara in Lycia, which is a province of Asia Minor. Many churches have been built in his honor. His parents were wealthy but it It is believed he was orphaned at a young age. As a young man he decided to devote his inheritance to charities. After returning from a pilgrimage to Palestine and Egypt he was ordained the Bishop of Myra. He was imprisoned during the Diocletian persecution and released when Constantine came into power.

St. Nicholas was known for his kindness and generosity. He found many opportunities to give away his wealth. One of the stories told about St. Nicholas was that he helped a man who had lost all his money. This man had three daughters to support. In an attempt to save the daughters from prostitution, St. Nicholas, in the dark of night, threw bags of gold coins into their home. The coins landed in their shoes and stockings which were by the fire drying. This is the reason children today put out stockings for Santa Claus at Christmas.

St. Nicholas is also known as Sinterklass in the Dutch culture. Many stories have evolved around the generosity of St. Nicholas. There is a tradition that he enjoyed giving gifts to children in secret. The stories inspired many of the traditions surrounding Santa Claus. The clothing Santa Claus wears is similar to that of a bishop.

St. Nicholas died on December 6, 346.


“The habit of seeing things in the light of faith

lifts us above the mists and the mire of the world.”

Quote of Bl. Charles de Foucauld , Feast Day December 1


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Sabas, Feast Day December 5

St. Sabas
St. Sabas

The feast day of St. Sabas is celebrated on December 5.  He was a priest and monk.  St. Sabas was born at Mutalaska, Cappadocia.  His father was an army officer. he was raised by an uncle whose wife mistreated him.

At the age of eight Sabas ran away to another uncle, only to run away again later when a dispute arose. He went to live in a monastery. At the age of 30, he became a hermit. St. Euthymius was his advisor. When Euthymius died, he lived alone in the desert for four years.

Although he loved solitude, disciples were drawn to him, eventually numbering 150 monks. A priest was requested and he accepted ordination in 491. His followers were from Egypt and Armenia. They built several hospitals.

St. Sabas lived to over 90 years of age. He is considered one of the founders of Eastern Monasticism.


Everywhere and forever

we are in God’s hands.

Quote of Bl. Theodore Romzha; Feast day Nov. 1


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. John Damascene, Feast day December 4



The feast day of St. John Damascene is celebrated on December 4.  He was a monk and priest.  St. John Damascene has been given the title Doctor of the Church.

St. John grew up under Muslim rule in Damascus, born to Christian parents in 690 . He is known for his arguments defending sacred art, especially icons.

During the 720’s religious art became very controversial and was forbidden by Emperor Leo. John argued in favor of religious art, stating that Christians did not worship images but through them they worshiped God and honored the memory of the Saint.  His arguments made him an enemy of the emperor who had a letter forged in John’s name offering to betray the Muslim government of Damascus. Because of the forgery, John’s hand was cut off.  However, the saints biography states that through the intervention of the Virgin Mary his hand was miraculously healed. After convincing the ruler of his innocence, John decided to become a monk. Eventually he was ordained a priest.

St. John is also known for his poetry and his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Our Lady is rest for those who work,

consolation for those who weep,

medicine for the sick,

a harbour for those assailed by tempests,

pardon for sinners,

sweet relief for the sad,

succor for those who implore.

Quote of St. John Damascene




December is the Month of the Divine Infancy



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Francis Xavier, Feast Day Dec. 3


Preaching St. Francis Xavier By Carlone Gesu Public Domain Image
Preaching St. Francis Xavier
By Carlone Gesu

The feast day of St. Francis Xavier is celebrated on December 3.  He is the patron saint of foreign missions and the co-founder of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits.

St. Francis Xavier was born in the Kingdom of Navarre (now part of Spain). He was born in the Basque area, on April 7, 1506. He studied at the University of Paris.

When he met Ignatius of Loyola, they became friends and Francis became a student of St. Ignatius. He then became a co- founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), with Ignatius. With St. Ignatius, he was ordained a priest in 1537. In 1956 Francis left Paris to join Ignatius in Venice. The Society was recognized by the Pope in 1540.

Francis preached in India, Japan, Borneo, and Moluccas. Over a period of ten years, he baptized roughly 30,000 people to Christianity. He is said to have converted more people to Christianity than anyone other than St. Paul.

In 1552 he set out for China landing on the Island of Shangchuan.. He died from a fever before he reached the mainland while waiting to be taken to China. He was first buried on a beach at Shangchuan Island. His incorrupt body was taken from the island in 1553 and temporarily buried in St. Paul’s Church in Portuguese, Malacca.

St. Francis Xavier was known as the “Apostle of the Indias.”

The Novena of Grace was a popular devotion to Francis Xavier and typically prayed for nine days before Dec. 3.



“I love You, not because You have the power to give heaven or hell,

but simply because You are You…my kin and my God.”

Quote of St. Francis Xavier

St. Francis Xavier in Art


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy




Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Bibiana, Feast Day Dec. 2

St. Bibiana Public domain Image
St. Bibiana

The feast day of St. Bibiana is celebrated on December 2.  She was a virgin and a martyr in the year 361.


St. Bibiana was born in Rome. Her father was a knight, whose name was Flavian. Her mother’s name was Dafrosa. When Apronianus was named the Governor of Rome he persecuted the Christians mercilessly. Flavian was arrested and tortured. He fled into exile where he died from his wounds. Bibiana’s mother, Dafrosa, was beheaded.

Bibiana and her sister Demetria were robbed of all their possessions leaving them in poverty. They did however, stay in their house, spending much time in prayer.

They were summoned by Apronianus. Demetria confessed her Faith and then fell dead at the governors feet. Bibiana was given to a woman named Rufina who tortured her unsuccessfully. Apronianus ordered her to be tied to a pillar and beaten with scourges laden with lead plummets until she died. St. Bibiana endured the torture with joy until her death.

Two days later, a priest buried her next to her mother and sister. A church was built over her grave.


I believe Lord, but let me believe more firmly.

I hope Lord, but let me hope more surely.

I love, Lord, but let me love more warmly.

I repent Lord, but let me repent more deeply.

Quote of St. Antony Claret; Feast day October 24


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy



Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Charles de Foucauld, Feast Day Dec. 1

Bl. Charles de Foucauld
Bl. Charles de Foucauld

Prayers, Quips and Quotes: Bl. Charles de Foucauld, Feast Day Dec. 1

The feast day of Bl. Charles de Foucauld is celebrated on December 1.  He is the patron saint of diocesan priests.  He was a hermit, priest and martyr.

Bl. Charles de Foucauld was born in Strasbourg, France on Sept. 25, 1858. His father was in the military. Orphaned at the age of six, he and his sister Marie were raised by their grandfather. Charles joined the military, becoming an officer. When his grandfather died, Charles lost his faith. During his period of doubt he repeatedly prayed,

“My God, if you exist, let me come to know you.”

Charles was discharged from the military for misconduct. At the age of 28, he regained his faith. After a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he decided to become a Trappist monk. He spent seven years as a Trappist monk, first in France and then in Syria. After deciding this was no longer God’s will, he was released from his vows. He became a servant for a convent of Poor Clares and began studying for the priesthood. He was ordained in 1901 at the age of 43. He wished to work with the poor and abandoned. In an attempt to begin a religious order he wrote a Rule for it to follow. However, he found few followers.

On Dec. 1, 1916, he was killed by a band of marauders who surrounded his house. Twenty years after his death religious orders began to form following his rule. The Little Brothers of Jesus, Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the Little Sisters of Jesus all follow the Rule written by Bl. Charles de Foucauld.  An Association of diocesan priest known as Jesus Caritas also follow the spirituality of Bl. Charles de Foucauld.

Bl. Charles de Foucauld was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. He is the patron saint of diocesan priests.


Let us pray a great deal for the conversion of sinners,

since it was above all for them that Our Lord worked

and suffered and prayed.

Quote of Bl. Charles de Focauld


December is the Month of the Divine Infancy

