June 1…..St. Justin Martyr…Patron saint of philosophers…Martyr
June 2…..St. Erasmus...Martyr…Patron saint of sailors and against intestinal troubles
June 3…..St. Charles Lwanga & Companions...Uganda…Martyr
June 4…..St. Francis Caraciolo...Italy…Confessor
June 5…..St. Bonaiface...Apostle to the Germans…Martyr
June 6…..St. Norbet...Archbishop of Magdeburg
June 7……St. Paul of Constantinople...Bishop of Constantinople…Martyr
June 8…...St. William of York...England…Bishop of York
June 9…...St. Ephrem of Syria…Deacon
June 10….Bl. John Dominic...Dominican…Italy
June 11……St. Barnabus…Founder of the Cypriot Church
June 12…...St. Gaspar Bertoni...Italy…Priest
June 13…...St. Anthony of Padua...Portugal…Franciscan…Patron saint of sailors, lost articles and fishermen
June 14…...St. Elisha..Patron saint of Carmelite Order…Prophet
June 15……St. Germaaine of Pibrac...France…Incorrupt
June 16……St. John Francis Regis…Jesuit Priest…France
June 17…...St. Albert Chmielowski...Poland…Albertines
June 18…...St. Elizabeth of Schoenna…Germany…Benedictine…martyr
June 19……St. Romual...Italy…Monk
June 20…….St. Silverius...Bishop of Rome…Martyr
June 21…….St. Aloysius Gonzaga...Italy…Jesuit Deacon…Patron saint of youth and plague victims.
June 22……St. Thomas More…England…Martyr…Patron saint of lawyers
June 23…….St. Audrey…England…Incorrupt
June 24……..Nativity of St. John the Baptist...Cousin to Jesus…Martyr
June 25……. St. Eurosia…France…Martyr…Patron saint against bad weather
June 26……..St. Josemaria Esccriva...Spain…Opus Dei
June 27………Our Lady of Perpetual Help...Crete…Icon
June 28………St. Irenaeus...Asia Minor…Church Father…Martyr
June 29……...St. Peter & St. Paul…Apostles…Martyrs
June 30………The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome