Category Archives: Faith

Twenty Five Quotes for Peace from the Saints


“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; I do not give to you as  the world gives. Do no let not your heart be troubled, and do not  be afraid.” John 14:27.

Quote of Jesus

Peace and serenity of heart are difficult to acquire.  The world is a chaotic place to live. Our emotions can make us feel quite helpless.  How do we find peace?  How do we live in peace?  Faith is a gift.  With faith, we can pray for peace.   The following quotes of the saints are ‘pearls of wisdom’ to help us in our journey.


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  1. Lord, Make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

 St. Francis of Assisi


2.  Keep your soul at peace, in order to be able to be attentive and very faithful to the inner movement of the Holy Spirit.

St. Peter Julian Eymard


3.  Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?”

St. Gerard Majella


4.  Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.

St. Francis de Sales


5.   From humility of heart proceed serenity of mind, gentleness of conduct, interior peace, and every good.”

 St. Paul of the Cross


6.   While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it more fully in your heart.

Saint Francis of Assisi


7.   If you want peace, work for justice.
If you want justice, defend life.
If you want life, embrace truth.

St. John Paul II


8.  Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter.

St. Padre Pio


9.  Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.

St Faustina


10.  Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road. Go forth without fear, for he who created you has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Blessed be you, my God, for having created me.

St. Jane Frances de Chantal


11.  Let us not be justices of the peace, but angels of peace.

St. Therese of Lisieux


12.  But above all preserve peace of heart.  This is more valuable than any treasure.

St. Mary Margaret Alacoque


13.  Peace in the society depends on peace in family.

St. Augustine


14.  Be at Peace.  What God has started He will finish.

St. Faustina


15.  Let peace be your quest and  aim.

St. Benedict


16.  Be peace loving.Peace is a precious treasure to be sought with great zeal.  Live your life that you may receive the blessings of the Lord.  Then the peace of God the Father will be with you always.

St. Francis of Paola


17.  Maintain a spirit of peace and you will save a thousand souls.

St. Seraphim of  Sarov


18.  Be at peace with your own soul, then heaven and earth will be at peace with you.

St. Jerome


19.  The only way to peace is forgiveness.

St. John Paul II


20.  What can you do to promote world peace?  Go home and love your family.

St. Teresa of Calcutta


21.  Abide in peace, banish cares, take no account of all that happens, and you will serve God according to His good pleasure and rest in Him.

St. John of the Cross


22.  If you remain constant in faith in the face of trial, the Lord will give you peace and rest for a time in this world and forever in the next.

St. Jerome


23.  We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God.

St. Francis de Sales


24.  Strive to preserve your heart in peace; let no event of the world disturb it.

St. John of the Cross


25.  Peace demands four essential conditions:  Truth, Justice, Love, and Freedom.

St. John Paul II



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Feast Days and Saint of the Day; SEPTEMBER CALENDAR

Our Lady of Sorrows

September 1…St. Giles the Abbot...Greece…St. Giles is the Patron Saint of the mentally ill, the disabled, epileptics, childhood fears, and depression.

September 2…St. Ingrid of Sweden…Dominican Nun

September 3…St. Gregory the Great...Italy…Bishop of Rome…Patron Saint of musicians, students, singer and teachers

September 4…St. Rose of Viteho...Italy…Incorrupt

September 5…Teresa of Calcutta…Missionary…Sisters of Charity…Patron Saint of the poor and dying

September 6…Bl. Bertrand...France…Dominican…Incorrupt

September 7…St. Regina…France…Martyr…Patron Saint against poverty and abuse victims

September 8…Birth of the Virgin Mary

September 9…St. Peter Claver...Spain…Patron Saint of African missions.

September 10…St. Nicholas of Tolentino…Augustinian Monk…He is the patron saint of the souls in purgatory and the dying.

September 11…St. John G. Perboyre...France…Vincentian Priest…Missionary in China…Martyr

September 12…Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 13…St. John Chrysostom...Bishop of Constantinople…Doctor of the Eucharist…Patron Saint of preachers, speakers and epilepsy.

September 14...The Exaltation of the Cross

September 15…Our Lady of Sorrows…12th century

September 16…St. Cyprian...N. Africa…Bishop of Carthage…Martyr

September 17…Stigmata of St. Francis...Founder of Franciscan Order

September 18…St. Joseph of Cupertino…Italy…Capuchin Mystic…Patron Saint of air travelers, pilots, astronauts, and those with learning disabilities.

September 19…Our Lady of La Salette…France…Approved 1851

September 20…The Korean Martyrs

September 21...St. Mathew…Apostle…Martyr…Patron Saint of accountants and bankers.

September 22…St. Thomas of Villanova…Spain…Bishop of Valencia

September 23…St. Padre Pio...Italy…Confessor…Stigmata

September 24…St. Gerard…Bishop of Csanad…Patron Saint of Hungary…Martyr

September 25…Bl. Herman the Cripple...Germany…Benedictine…Patron Saint of the unborn child and the disabled

September 26...St. Terese Couderc...France…Cenacle Sisters

September 27…St. Vincent de Paul...France…Founder of Vincentians…Patron  Saint of charities, hospitals and volunteers.

September 28…St. Weneslaus of Bohemia...King of Bohemia

September 29…Feast of the Archangels...St. Michael…St. Gabriel…St. Raphael

September 30…St. Jerome...Syria…Patron Saint of Bible scholars…Doctor of the Church


The Archangels    St. Michael, St. Gabriel and  St. Raphael



Feast Days and Saint of the Day; JULY CALENDAR

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


July 1…St. Junipero Serra…Spain…Franciscan

July 2…St. Bernadino Realino...Italy…Jesuit Priest…Incorrupt

July 3…St. Thomas...Apostle…Martyr

July 4…St. Elizabeth of Portugal...Queen…Third Order Franciscan

July 5…St. Anthony Zaccarra...Italy…Priest…Incorrupt

July 6...St Maria Goretti...Italy…Martyr…Patron saint of rape victims, purity, chastity, forgiveness, and youth

July 7…Bl. Peter To Rot...New Guinea…Martyr

July 8…Bl. Eugene III...Bishop of Rome…Cistercian

July 9…St. Veronica Giuliani...Italy…Poor Clare…Incorrupt

July 10...Bl. Emmanuel Ruiz & Companions...Franciscan Priest…Spain…Martyr

July 11…St. Benedict...Founder of Benedictine Order…Patron saint of students and Europe.

July 12…St. Veronica…Follower of Jesus…patron saint of photographers.

July 13…St. Henry II...King and Emperor of Rome…Reformer

July 14…St. Kateri Tekakawitha...New York, U.S.A…Patron of the environment and ecology

July 15…St. Bonaventure...Latium…Franciscan…Philosopher…Author

July 16…Our Lady of Mount Carmel...Jerusalem…Carmelites…Brown Scapular

July 17…Bl. Rose Chretien...France…Carmelite…Martyr

July 18…St. Camillas...Italy…Priest…Order of St. Camillas

July 19…St. Macrina the Younger…Cesarea…Contemplative

July 20...St. Joseph Barsabas … Follower of Jesus…one of first disciples

July 21…St. Lawrence of Brindisi…Italy…Capuchin Order…Doctor of the Church

July 22...St. Mary Magdalene...Friend and Follower of Jesus…Patron of penitent sinners

July 23…St. Bridget of Sweden…widow…visionary

July 24…St. John Boste…England…Priest…Martyr

July 25...St. James the Greater…Apostle…Martyr… Patron saint of laborers and Spain.

July 26…St. Joachim & St. Anne…Parents of the Virgin Mary…Grandparents of Jesus…Patron saints of parents and grandparents.

July 27…Bl. Titus Brandsma...Netherlands…Carmelite…Martyr

July 28…St. Alphonsa...India…Poor Clares

July 29…St. Martha...Friend and follower of Jesus…Patron saint of cooks, housewives and domestic workers

July 30…St. Peter Chrysologus ..Italy…Bishop…Doctor of the Church

July 31...St. Ignatius of Loyola...Spain…Jesuit…Patron Saint of Catholic soldiers, and retreats…Mystic

St. Kateri


Feast Days and Saint of the Day; JUNE CALENDAR


Our Lady of Perpetual Help


June 1…..St. Justin MartyrPatron saint of philosophers…Martyr

June 2…..St. Erasmus...Martyr…Patron saint of sailors and against intestinal troubles

June 3…..St. Charles Lwanga & Companions...Uganda…Martyr

June 4…..St. Francis Caraciolo...Italy…Confessor

June 5…..St. Bonaiface...Apostle to the Germans…Martyr

June 6…..St. Norbet...Archbishop of  Magdeburg

June 7……St. Paul of Constantinople...Bishop of Constantinople…Martyr

June 8…...St. William of York...England…Bishop of York

June 9…...St. Ephrem of SyriaDeacon

June 10….Bl. John Dominic...Dominican…Italy

June 11……St. BarnabusFounder of the Cypriot Church

June 12…...St. Gaspar Bertoni...Italy…Priest

June 13…...St. Anthony of Padua...Portugal…Franciscan…Patron saint of sailors, lost articles and fishermen

June 14…...St. Elisha..Patron saint of Carmelite Order…Prophet

June 15……St. Germaaine of Pibrac...France…Incorrupt

June 16……St. John Francis Regis…Jesuit Priest…France

June 17…...St. Albert Chmielowski...Poland…Albertines

June 18…...St. Elizabeth of Schoenna…Germany…Benedictine…martyr

June 19……St. Romual...Italy…Monk

June 20…….St. Silverius...Bishop of Rome…Martyr

June 21…….St. Aloysius Gonzaga...Italy…Jesuit Deacon…Patron saint of youth and plague victims.

June 22……St. Thomas MoreEngland…Martyr…Patron saint of lawyers

June 23…….St. AudreyEngland…Incorrupt

June 24……..Nativity of St. John the Baptist...Cousin to Jesus…Martyr

June 25……. St. EurosiaFrance…Martyr…Patron saint against bad weather

June 26……..St. Josemaria Esccriva...Spain…Opus Dei

June 27………Our Lady of Perpetual Help...Crete…Icon

June 28………St. Irenaeus...Asia Minor…Church Father…Martyr

June 29……...St. Peter & St. PaulApostles…Martyrs

June 30………The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome


St. Peter and St. Paul…Apostles




Feast Days and Saint of the Day; MAY CALENDAR

The Holy Family

May 1…...St. Joseph the Worker…Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary…Patron saint of carpenters and families.

May 2…..St. Athanasius...Doctor of  the Church..Egypt…Bishop

May 3……St.s Philip and James...Apostles…Martyrs…St. Philip is patron saint of bakers…St. James is patron saint of pharmacists.

May 4…..St. Florian...Patron saint of firemen…Austria….Martyr

May 5…..Bl. Caterina Cittadini...Ursuline Sister…Italy

May 6…..St. Francis de Laval…Bishop in France

May 7…..St. Rose Venerini...Italy…Venerini Sisters

May 8…..Bl. Julian of Norwich…Benedictine

May 9……St. Pachomius...hermit…Egypt

May 10…..St. Damien of Molokai…Hawaii…U.S.A…Patron of leprosy and outcasts

May 11…..Carthusian Martyrs

May 12…..St.Leopold...Capucian Franciscan…Italy

May 13…..Our Lady of Fatima...Portugal

May 14…..St. Matthias...Apostle who replaced Judas…Martyr… patron saint of carpenters and alcoholics

May 15…..St. Isidore the Farmer…Patron saint of farmers…Spain

May 16…...St. Simon Stock...Carmelite Friar…Europe

May 17.;….St. Paschal Baylon...Franciscan…Spain

May 18……St. John I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr

May 19…..St. Ivo...France…Patron saint of lawyers, widows, and orphans…Third Order Franciscan

May 20…..St. Bernadine of Siena.…Italy…Franciscan

May 21……St. Eugene de Mazened...Francve…Missionary Oblate…patron saint of dysfunctional families

May 22……St. Rita of Cascia...Italy…Augustinian…patron saint of impossible causes, abuse victims and widows

May 23…..St. John Baptist Rossi…Italy…Priest

May 24…..St. Joanna...friend and follower of Jesus

May 25…..St. Bede...England…Doctor of the Church

May 26…..St. Phillip Neri...Founder of Priests of the Oratory…Italy

May 27…..St. Augustine of Canterbury...Rome…England…Benedictine

May 28…..St. Germanus...Bishop of Paris

May 29…..St. Bona of Pisa…..Italy…patron saint of flight attendants, travelers, pilgrims and travel guides.

May 30..…St. Joan of Arc...France…Martyr

May 31……Feast of the Visitation... Mary and Martha