Category Archives: Saint of the Day

Feast Days and Saint of the Day; JUNE CALENDAR


Our Lady of Perpetual Help


June 1…..St. Justin MartyrPatron saint of philosophers…Martyr

June 2…..St. Erasmus...Martyr…Patron saint of sailors and against intestinal troubles

June 3…..St. Charles Lwanga & Companions...Uganda…Martyr

June 4…..St. Francis Caraciolo...Italy…Confessor

June 5…..St. Bonaiface...Apostle to the Germans…Martyr

June 6…..St. Norbet...Archbishop of  Magdeburg

June 7……St. Paul of Constantinople...Bishop of Constantinople…Martyr

June 8…...St. William of York...England…Bishop of York

June 9…...St. Ephrem of SyriaDeacon

June 10….Bl. John Dominic...Dominican…Italy

June 11……St. BarnabusFounder of the Cypriot Church

June 12…...St. Gaspar Bertoni...Italy…Priest

June 13…...St. Anthony of Padua...Portugal…Franciscan…Patron saint of sailors, lost articles and fishermen

June 14…...St. Elisha..Patron saint of Carmelite Order…Prophet

June 15……St. Germaaine of Pibrac...France…Incorrupt

June 16……St. John Francis Regis…Jesuit Priest…France

June 17…...St. Albert Chmielowski...Poland…Albertines

June 18…...St. Elizabeth of Schoenna…Germany…Benedictine…martyr

June 19……St. Romual...Italy…Monk

June 20…….St. Silverius...Bishop of Rome…Martyr

June 21…….St. Aloysius Gonzaga...Italy…Jesuit Deacon…Patron saint of youth and plague victims.

June 22……St. Thomas MoreEngland…Martyr…Patron saint of lawyers

June 23…….St. AudreyEngland…Incorrupt

June 24……..Nativity of St. John the Baptist...Cousin to Jesus…Martyr

June 25……. St. EurosiaFrance…Martyr…Patron saint against bad weather

June 26……..St. Josemaria Esccriva...Spain…Opus Dei

June 27………Our Lady of Perpetual Help...Crete…Icon

June 28………St. Irenaeus...Asia Minor…Church Father…Martyr

June 29……...St. Peter & St. PaulApostles…Martyrs

June 30………The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome


St. Peter and St. Paul…Apostles




Feast Days and Saint of the Day; MAY CALENDAR

The Holy Family

May 1…...St. Joseph the Worker…Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary…Patron saint of carpenters and families.

May 2…..St. Athanasius...Doctor of  the Church..Egypt…Bishop

May 3……St.s Philip and James...Apostles…Martyrs…St. Philip is patron saint of bakers…St. James is patron saint of pharmacists.

May 4…..St. Florian...Patron saint of firemen…Austria….Martyr

May 5…..Bl. Caterina Cittadini...Ursuline Sister…Italy

May 6…..St. Francis de Laval…Bishop in France

May 7…..St. Rose Venerini...Italy…Venerini Sisters

May 8…..Bl. Julian of Norwich…Benedictine

May 9……St. Pachomius...hermit…Egypt

May 10…..St. Damien of Molokai…Hawaii…U.S.A…Patron of leprosy and outcasts

May 11…..Carthusian Martyrs

May 12…..St.Leopold...Capucian Franciscan…Italy

May 13…..Our Lady of Fatima...Portugal

May 14…..St. Matthias...Apostle who replaced Judas…Martyr… patron saint of carpenters and alcoholics

May 15…..St. Isidore the Farmer…Patron saint of farmers…Spain

May 16…...St. Simon Stock...Carmelite Friar…Europe

May 17.;….St. Paschal Baylon...Franciscan…Spain

May 18……St. John I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr

May 19…..St. Ivo...France…Patron saint of lawyers, widows, and orphans…Third Order Franciscan

May 20…..St. Bernadine of Siena.…Italy…Franciscan

May 21……St. Eugene de Mazened...Francve…Missionary Oblate…patron saint of dysfunctional families

May 22……St. Rita of Cascia...Italy…Augustinian…patron saint of impossible causes, abuse victims and widows

May 23…..St. John Baptist Rossi…Italy…Priest

May 24…..St. Joanna...friend and follower of Jesus

May 25…..St. Bede...England…Doctor of the Church

May 26…..St. Phillip Neri...Founder of Priests of the Oratory…Italy

May 27…..St. Augustine of Canterbury...Rome…England…Benedictine

May 28…..St. Germanus...Bishop of Paris

May 29…..St. Bona of Pisa…..Italy…patron saint of flight attendants, travelers, pilgrims and travel guides.

May 30..…St. Joan of Arc...France…Martyr

May 31……Feast of the Visitation... Mary and Martha

Feast Days and Saint of the Day; APRIL CALENDAR


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St.Bernadette of Lourdes 


  1. Bl. Anacleto Gonzalez Florez…Mexico…Martyr…1(888-1927)
  2. St. Francis of Paola...Italy…Hermits of St. Francis…(1416-1507)
  3. Sts. Irene, Agape and Chionia…Sisters…Martyrs
  4. St. Isidore of Seville...Spain…Bishop…Doctor of the Church…(d.636)
  5. St. Vincent Ferrer...Spain…Dominican…d.1819
  6. Bl. Michel Ru...Italy…Salesian
  7. St. John Baptist de la Salle...Patron of Teachers…France…d. 1719
  8. St. Julia Billiart...Sisters of Notre Dame…France…d. 1816
  9. St. Mary of Cleophas...Friend and follower of Jesus
  10. St. Michael de Sanctis...Patron saint of cancer;…Spain…d 1625
  11. St. Marguerite of ‘Youville…Canada…Grey Nuns…d. 1771
  12. St. Teresa of Los Andes... Chili…Carmelite…d. 1920
  13. St. Martin I...Bishop of Rome…Martyr…d. 655
  14. St. Lydwina....Holland…Patron saint of ice skaters and chronically ill…d.1433
  15. St. Paternus...Ireland…Bihop…550
  16. St. Bernadette of Lourdes…Visionary…France…d. 1879…Incorrupt
  17. St. Stephen Harding...Cistercian…England (d.1134)
  18. Bl. Marie of the Incarnation...Widow and Carmelita…France d. 1618
  19. St. Elphege...Archbishop of Canterbury…Benedictine…Martyr (954-1012)
  20. St. Agnes of Montepulciano...Dominican Nun…italy…(1268-1317)
  21. St. Anslem...Doctor of the Church…Archbishop of Canterbury…Benedictine (1033-1109)
  22. Bl. Maria Gabriella...Trappestine Nun…Italy (1914-1939)
  23. St. Giles of Assisi...Italy…Franciscan…d. 1262
  24. St. Mary Pelletier...France (1796-1868)
  25. St. Mark the Evangelist…Apostle & Martyr …patron saint of lawyers and notaries (d.68)
  26. St. Cletus…Bishop of Rome…Martyr…d. 92
  27. St. Zita...Italy…Patron of maidservants and housewives…d.  1271
  28. St. Louis de Montfort...France…Dominican…d. 1716
  29. St. Catherine of Siena...Dominican Nun…Patron saint against fire, illness and miscarriage…Doctor of the Church (1347-1380)
  30. St. Marie de l’Incarnation...France…d. 1762

Feast Days and Saint of the Day; FEBRUARY CALENDAR

Our Lady of Lourdes; Feast Day Feb. 11


Feb. 1     St. Brigid of Ireland

Feb. 2     Presentation of the Lord

Feb. 3     St. Blaise...patron saint of throat maladies and wild animals

Feb 4      St. Andrew Corsini...Italy…patron saint against riots and disorder…Bishop

Feb 5       St. Agatha... martyr…Sicily…patron saint of breast cancer

Feb 6       St. Paul Miki & Companions….Martyrs in Japan….Jesuit

Feb 7       St. Luke the Younger….Greece

Feb 8       St. Josephine Bakhita…Sudan

Feb 9       St. Jerome Emiliani...Italy….Priest

Feb 10      St. Scholastica...Italy…Benedictine…Patron Saint Against Storms

Feb 11      Our Lady of Lourdes...patron saint of bodily ills

Feb 12      St. Apollinia...patron saint of dentists and invoked by those suffering from toothaches.

Feb 13      St. Catherine dei Ricci...patron saint of the sick…Dominican

Feb 14      St. Valentine…Roman Priest…patron saint of happy marriages

Feb 15      St. Claude de la Columbiere.…France…Jesuit

Feb. 16     St. Onesimus,,,Martyr

Feb 17      Seven Founders of the Order of Servites;  St. Peregrine...patron saint of cancer

Feb. 18    St. Gertrude Caterina Comensoli...Italy

Feb 19      St. Gabinus...Martyr

Feb 20     St. Jacinta of Fatima.…visionary

Feb 21      St. Robert Southwell…Martyr…England…Jesuit

Feb 22     The Chair of Peter

Feb 23      St. Polycarp…Martyr…Church Father

Feb 24     Bl. Luke Belludi.…patron saint of students…Italy

Feb 25     Bl. Marie Adcodata Pisani…Italy…Benedictine

Feb 26      St. Isabel of France…patron saint of the sick

Feb 27      St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows...patron saint of students, young people and of clergy..Italy

Feb 28      St. Romanus...France…patron saint of mental illness

Feb 29      St. Oswald...Benedictine…England


Feast Days and Saint of the Day: JANUARY CALENDAR

Virgin Mary, Mother of God; Feast Day Jan. 1

January 1     Mary, Mother of God     Feast of the Holy Family

January 2     St. Basil the Great…. Patron saint of hospital administrators…Doctor of the Church

January 3    Most Holy Name of Jesus

January 4    St. Elizabeth Ann Seton...U.S.A…patron saint of in-law troubles and loss of children.

January 5    St. John N Neumann…Bishop of Philadelphia…Patron saint of children, immigrants, and Catholic education

January 6    Epiphany of the Lord    St. Peter of CanterburyItalian Monk

January 7     St. Raymond Penyafort...Spain…patron saint of lawyers

January 8    St. Apollinaris...Bishop

January 9    Bl. Eurosia Fabri...Italy…Third Order Franciscan

January 10   St. Peter Orseolo…France…Benedictine Monk

January 11   Bl. William Carter...England…Martyr

January 12   St. Margurite Bougeogs … Canadian Missionary

January 13   St. Hilary of Poiters….Doctor of the Church

January 14   Bl. Peter Donders...Holland

January 15   St. Macarius of Egypt...priest with gift of healing

January 16   St. Berard...Franciscan monk and martyr; Italy

January 17   St. Anthony of Egypt...Egyptian monk

January 18   St. Margaret of Hungary...Dominican Nun

January 19   St. Fabian…Bishop of Rome…Martyr

January 20   St. Sebastian….patron saint of athletes and plague sufferers…martyr in 268.

January 21   St. Agnes…Martyr 304…Rome

January 22   St. Vincent Palliotti...Italy…Incorrupt…Franciscan priest

January 23   St. Marriane Cope...U.S.A…Franciscan…Patron Saint of Outcasts

January 24   St. Francis de Sales…Bishop of the Diocese of Geneva….Patron of the Deaf

January 25   Conversion of St. Paul...Apostle… Martyr…Patron Saint of writers…publishers… musicians and evangelists

January 26   Bl. Michal Kozal...Poland…Priest…Martyr

January 27   St. Angela Merici... Patron Saint of the sick and disabled., Italy…Franciscan

January 28   St. Thomas Aquinas...Dominican Priest,,,patron saint of students and universities’, Doctor of the Church

January 29       Bl. Archangela Girlani ….Italy….Carmelite Nun

January 30     St. Hyacintha of Manincotti…Italy…Third Order Franciscan

January 31      St. John Bosco.…Italy….Salesian Priest..Patron saint of boys and young people.

Prayers, Quips and Quotes; St. Maurice, Feast Day September 22

St. Maurice; Patron Saint of Soldiers, Armies, and the Swiss Guard


The Feast day of St. Maurice is celebrated on September 22.  He is the patron saint of armies, soldiers and the Swiss Guard.

St. Maurice died as a Martyr of the Faith in the year 286 near Geneva.  He was a Christian soldier, who along with his comrades was executed for refusing to fight against his Christian brothers.   Their story was recorded in the Passio martyrum Acaunensium (“The Passion of the  Martyrs of Agaunum”), by the 5th-century French bishop St. Eucherius.  He believed the Theban Legion was a group of Egyptian Christians serving in the Roman army under the command of Maurice.

Maurice was an officer of the Theban Legion of Emperor Maximian Herculius’ army, which was composed of Christians from Upper Egypt. He and his fellow legionnaires refused to  sacrifice to the gods as ordered by the Emperor to insure victory over rebelling Bagaudae.


The Roman Emperor Maximian sent the soldiers to end a revolt of Christian peasants in Gaul   The  group met  with Maximian, but they refused to fight against their brethren and withdrew in protest.  To punish them, Maximian had ten of them executed and eventually  the entire contingent of solders were slaughtered on a spot about two miles from the village and their bodies buried by locals.

It is believed that as many as six thousand Legionnaires were put to death.Their story was told by St. Eucherius, who became Bishop of Lyons about 434,


The cult of St. Maurice is found in Switzerland, near the Rhine , and in northern Italy.  St. Maurice’s relics are preserved at the Abbey of St. Maurice at Brzeg, Pol, and at Turin, Italy.


“We are your soldiers, oh Emperor, but above all, we are God’s servants. We owe military obedience to you, but to him, we owe our innocence.”

Quote of St.  Maurice

September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows